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"These images tell a story…" I vaguely heard Alaric mutter in the background as I block yet another punch Elena throws my way. I volunteered to help with her training, now I'm starting to second guess myself, as the work becomes tedious. "To learn the story, you have to decipher the images!"

"Sloppy," I tell Elena bored as she makes a half assed attempt to stake me. She gives me an exasperated look as she rips the stake away from me.

"Shut up! I'm new at this." She states already getting back in her fighting stance. The girl is determined I'll give her that, but she couldn't kick Hellen Keller's ass let alone a vampires.

"Ghost of Christmas Past" Mason Lockwood set up the cave…" I begin glancing to Alaric who is hanging on my every word. I don't have to look back at Elena to know she is lifting her foot for the kick nor does it take long for me to catch her leg before releasing it with a gentle shove. "And led us to a weapon that can Klaus." I say leaning back as Elena takes a swipe at my neck.

"Yeah, but doesn't Mikael have a weapon?" Elena grunts out as she tries to plunge the stake straight into my heart. However, I catch her wrist with no effort preventing the wood from moving further towards me.

"Yes." I said looking her in the eyes as she tries futilely to budge my hold over her. "Which probably means the wall will lead us to Mikael, who we have already found... and lost." I sighed, spinning Elena around and positioning the stake that had been earlier pointed at me over her heart. "Bang, you're dead." I whispered nibbling her neck for added effect before she shoves me back rather annoyed.

"These images at the very least might tell us what that weapon is." Alaric muses still examining the photos as Elena joins him. I hang back watching the two discuss as I try not to gag at their optimism. Even if we do find a weapon to kill Klaus and that's a big if, we might never get a chance to use it, making this whole situation worth nothing.

"Then all we have to do is find out what they mean." Elena replies breezy making it sound like a walk in the park.

"Fine! Fine! If I am being irritatingly optimistic like you do you suppose we do that?" I ask my lack of hopefulness present in my voice.

"Well, if the story is about the Original Family living here, then we go straight to the source!" Elena replies chipper pushing away from the table to grab her bag. I share a look with Alaric as we watch her walk to the door.

"Just where do you think you're going?" I inquire as she opens the door only to look back to me with a satisfied smile.

"The school, I have a blond original to find." She grins slamming the door in her wake.

"Well that will go over well," I huff sarcastically turning back to Alaric who is immersed in the hieroglyphics. I take this time to slip my new phone out of my pocket as I check the screen eagerly. I white knuckle the small device when I find no missed calls or texts waiting for me.

"Alright that is the fifth time since you've been here that you've checked that thing," Alaric looked up leaning against the table holding out his hands. "What's up with you?" I gave him a tight-lipped smile while fiddling with the photos on the table.

"I may or may not have ignored a call to pick a drunken Alba up at a bar outside of town so I could spend more time with Elena." I revealed picking up one of the photos to inspect it further. In reality, I was just avoiding the disappointed head shake I am receiving from Alaric right now.

FALLEN EMPIRES, Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now