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My mother used to recite this quote to me every night before I went to bed. I never understood what she meant until I came home one night to find her being mauled by an unknown man. At first I thought I had caught her in a compromising position with a stranger, but that was until I saw the thick red substance dripping down her neck. I remember just standing there watching my mother slowly dying in front of me, but what I'll never forget is the look of pure bliss on the beasts face right before I slammed a stake through his heart. That was the first and last time I ever hesitated against a vampire and it was also the night I lost my mother.

I push the ray bans shielding my eyes farther up my nose. I have been sitting outside this restaurant for an hour looking for a familiar face. Well I guess familiar is a loose term. I've only ever heard of these people I've never actually met them.

"Would you like some more coffee miss?" The busboy a cute blond with tantalizing baby blues that I've come to realize is Matt Donovan asks kindly. I shake my head no as I prop my combat boot clad feet up on the chair situated across from me. I watch Matt move on to another table his smile inviting as he sweet talks his customers. I look him over from his short blond hair right down to his broad chest and lean legs. Matt Donovan the all American boy and one of the only humans left in this godforsaken town.

"What are you doing?" I twist my head at the all too familiar voice I've come to loathe.

"Just shopping for the party you're trying to bail out on." The baby vamp, Caroline Forbes, replies into her phone as she walks across the quad shopping bag in hand.

"I never said yes in the first place." Elena points out on the other end of the phone. At least I assume it to be the doppelgänger considering she sounds just like that bitch Katherine.

"You were never going too which is why I planned it anyway." Caroline beams making her way towards the grill. She is definitely the efficient one I'll give her that. "And my mom wants to talk to you."

"Did she find something?" I can practically see the hope on the doppelgangers face as she says it. Poor girl has no idea that if she wants to find Stefan it will be when Klaus wants her too.

"An animal attack in Memphis, it's the third one this week in Tennessee." Ah so they are in Tennessee. No doubt after those werewolves camping out in the mountains. Klaus is a smart man he knows exactly where to look.

"And you're sure it's a vampire?" I roll my eyes at the naïve teen. This clearly has vampire written all over it or should I say ripper considering those bodies were placed back together like a bloody jigsaw puzzle.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean its Klaus," Caroline plays devil advocate.

"Doesn't mean it's not," Elena throws back making me smirk. "I'll call her."

"Well call her on her cell." I sit up when I see the wolf, Tyler, sauntering towards her.

"Tell her thank you for her help." Caroline nods already pulling the phone away from her ear.

"Alright, well I gotta go, I'll see you in a bit." She quickly replies eyeing Tyler as he stops in front of her.

"Oh Caroline wait...just keep tonight small please," The doppelgänger uselessly begs because with Caroline Forbes nothing is small.

"Wear something pretty," the blond sings as she hangs up the phone her attention focused on Tyler. The kid looks like a complete meat head nothing like the Matt boy. Not to mention I find it very peculiar how a vampire and a werewolf are such good friends. They are supposed to be natural-born enemies, but here these two are sitting down at the table across from me having lunch. How...human of them.

"Something's up with your mother." Caroline says taking the seat facing away from me.

"Like what?" Tyler asks settling deeper into his seat giving me the perfect view of his face. He looks like Mason I realize sadly.

"When I was over yesterday she just kept eyeing me." I sigh at the stupid blond. She has no idea that her and the wolf are practically dating it's only a matter of time before they jump each other's bones.

"Hey guys," Ah Jeremy Gilbert a.k.a. baby Gilbert. I have to say when he was described I did not expect him to be nearly as handsome as he is. Donovan must have switched sections to get away from Bella and Edward over there.

"Did Matt make you switch sections with him?" And that is my cue to leave. These two clearly have no information except for their own intimacy issues. I tighten my long black pony tail as I push up from the table briefly drawing baby Gilbert's attention. I give him a small smirk as I disappear around the corner.

The party was in full swing by the time I arrived. Despite her overly peppy attitude I had to give it to Caroline, she knew how to throw a party. There was barely any room to squeeze past, but with a small flick of my wrist a path appeared for me. I could feel their eyes on me as I walked into the room. My curly pitch black hair and ice blue eyes against my honey colored skin did nothing to help me blend in. Nor did the dark jeans, white shirt, and leather jacket I wore hide the fact that I wasn't here to party.

"Who are you?" A guy only clad in jeans slurs as he hobbles over to me. If the empty red solo cup in his hand isn't an indicator that he's drunk, the lack of a shirt is.

"A friend," I purr pushing against his chest so he falls unceremoniously to the floor. I step over him as I make my way around the massive house looking for one person in particular.


ehehe ik this wasn't much but I'm trying to get back to writing. hope it wasn't a bad start!

FALLEN EMPIRES, Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now