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Shaw had no idea how right he was. Or at least I hope he was right because as of right now I'm about to make one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

"Senior year! Wooo!" I roll my eyes at the rowdy group of boys barreling past me to the front doors of the high school. To say I would rather jump off a cliff into shark infested waters than be standing here right now; would be an understatement. However, it is my senior year so I might as well have some fun.

"Are you sure you want to be here?" I narrow my icy blue eyes at the sound of the Bennet Bitch's voice. She and the cheerleader are all eyes for the doppelgänger. Who at this very moment can't shut up about her anniversary with Stefan. We get it; he sacrificed himself for Damon only to be turned into a brainless sock puppet. It's time to get over it and move on to plan B.

"I have to be here. I have to put it behind me," the doppelgänger begins as I slid the ray bans that were tucked safely into my pocket on my face. "New year. New life." She finished her cliché statement just as I come upon their little group.

"I couldn't agree more," I smirked as I brushed past a shocked Elena, only to shove my way in between a pissed off Bonnie and a confused Caroline. I felt my grin widen when I detect their eyes trailing me as I strut into the school. Okay, maybe this wouldn't the worst mistake I've ever made.

The school was fairly small making finding my locker easy. However, avoiding the Scooby gang might prove to be a bigger challenge than I initially thought.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Bonnie glared coming up beside me. I laughed slamming my locker closed with just enough force to ruffle the Bennett's hair.

"I believe I am going to class. What are you doing?" I said in a condescending tone as I lean against my locker raising a curious eyebrow; when she fails to answer me.

"Listen I don't know what you want, but you better stay away from Elena." She straightened her shoulders narrowing her eyes as I felt the charge in the air.

"Bonnie," I tsk-tsked shaking my head, "I thought witches were supposed to be discreet when it came to their magic?" I smirked when she visibly deflated as more people shuffle past us. "Don't worry Bennett, as hard as it is to believe, I'm not here for your precious doppelgänger."

"I know why you are here," I hum in mild amusement as she continues, "but if you mess with any of my friends on your search for answers, it won't end well." She threatened as I nod my head feigning understanding.

"I completely understand," I said as I bent down to whisper in her ear, "but if you think you intimidate me, you have another thing coming." I smiled sweetly ignoring her death glare as I start my walk to class. School hasn't even officially started yet and I've already been threatened. It's looking like a promising year.

"I'm going to be late for class." I heard Elena's voice as I turn the corner, and with my Martinez luck, just in time to witness Stefan grip her wrist and spin her around.

"Oh, class is this way." He smiled without humor as the doppelgänger struggled in his hold. "Elena, do you think I want to be a senior for the hundredth time? No. But if I don't have a choice in the matter than neither do you." He answered rather peeved which I couldn't blame the guy. High school sucks.

FALLEN EMPIRES, Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now