The Middle of Starting Over:

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Lights. Camera. Action. 

Insects chirped; birds called. 

A forest at night; the lights blinked as thunder clapped in the large auditorium. 

A familiar elephant looked through a tiny door; as she did so, the music kicked. A drum setting off the beat as the door began to widen.  

I watched from backstage; Eddie was out of town for the weekend, so I had replaced him as the stagehand. Buster gave me the cue, and I turned the lights up more as Rosita began to sing along to the rabbits' guitar strumming.

"If you don't like 
the world you're living in, 
take a look around! 
At least you've got friends!" 

The piano spun around as Johnny cued in with his verse. 

"Y'see, I called my old lady,
for a friendly word! 
She picked up the phone, 
dropped it on the floor!
Ah, ah! is all I heard!"  

I could barely pay attention; the hat on his head looked so ridiculous that it was hard to hold in my laugh. 

"Y/N, the lights!" 

With a quiet gasp, I turned the lever back, keeping the lights balanced. Miss Crawly had been above us watching out; apparently, an agent from Crystal Tower Theatre was supposed to be in the audience, judging. 

"Let's go crazy! 
Let's get nuts!
Let's look for the purple banana
'til they pull us in the truck!
Let's go!" 

Soon as I heard "We're all gonna die", I turned the lights off. From the front of the auditorium, the audience could see the neon glow of the skeleton lights attached to the costumes. 

"Good!" Buster praised, "Your timing is perfect, Y/N!" 

I gave him a nod and a smile. Soon as the Queen of Hearts came onstage, I met with the others. 

"Is she here?" someone asked -- I didn't look to see who. 

"There," the koala answered, pointing into the audience, "See the dog? Middle third row?" 

"Oh, she's younger than I imagined." Rosita commented. 

"Yeah, well," Buster continued, "Supposedly, she's the best scout in show business."

"I can't tell if-if she's enjoying it!"

"Come on, let's get a better view." 

We followed the koala up the elevator, and joined with Miss Crawly. 

"And how we doing over here, Miss Crawly?" he asked.

"Oh, very good, Mr. Moon! So far, I counted nine smiles, two belly laughs and five chuckles. Uh, though the last one could have been gas." 

"Well, that's proof, right? She must like the show!"

"Oh my gosh, you think so?" 

"I hope so." 

"All right now, keep up the good work," Buster then turned to us, "Come on, everybody, back to positions." 

"She'd be like, cuckoo not to love the show!" Gunter chimed in. 

I smiled as I followed the others downstairs, casually snatching a certain someone's hat on the way down.

"Break a leg, Hatter." 

"Oh, har-har," he said, snatching it back as I giggled, "You're just having a laugh, aren't ya?" 

I gave him a cheesy grin. 

Reverse Prisoner- SING! Johnny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now