Deluded Division:

445 16 3

It was late in the afternoon when I returned to the suite; stepping through the double doors was my body's cue to finally relax, and I slumped against one of them when they finally shut. 

The relief didn't last long. The realization of Klaus' request came haunting my memories, and my anxiety began to skyrocket once more. 

I was debating whether it was even worth it to show up on the day of Johnny's return to the studio with Nooshy; the monkey was trying to weaponize me, to use me against the gorilla...and for what?

Petty points? 

A buzzing from my back pocket interrupted my thoughts; I took out my phone, looking at the caller ID. 

I picked up. 

"Oh...hey, Mom...yeah, it''s going well. Really well! Haha..." 

That same familiar pang jolted through my heart again. My eyes began to well up. 

"...Hm? Oh, about what you said..."
I trailed off. 

I averted my gaze, though I knew she couldn't see; the lack of life in the hotel suite made everything feel so much duller, and I could feel the dread beginning to kick in. 

This entire mix of fear, and doubt, and anxiety was clouding my vision, making me dizzier and dizzier with every step I took. 

I couldn't deny it anymore; this entire charade was physically crippling me.

I wanted to go home. 

I clasped a (hand/paw/hoof) over my mouth. 

Those tears that I had been holding in for so long finally broke free; my voice cracked as I tried to hide the hurt in my tone. 

"Hey, um...I think I'm getting a call from Buster...can I call you back? Yeah...I love you, too."


I slid my back against the door, before burying my head in my knees.

Right on time for a sob to escape from the back of my throat.  


The next day didn't go any better. 

"Y/N! I BETTER SEE GOOD THINGS FROM YOU!" Miss Crawly barked into her megaphone; Buster and Ash still hadn't returned from Calloway's, where I'd been informed they were visiting. 

Though, that could've been a good sign. 

I swallowed as I followed Klaus' students onto the stage; Johnny was still with Nooshy, of course, so I wouldn't be expecting him until tomorrow. 

I kept my focus solely on Ryan, who took the role of the gorilla's understudy; Klaus' eyes were glued to me. 

Okay, Y/ can do this...



The instrumental to "A Sky Full Of Stars" kicked in on full-blast; I gripped my staff tight as possible...

"You've got this, Y/N!" 

"You can do it!" 

...and then made the mistake of looking towards the audience. 

Reverse Prisoner- SING! Johnny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now