From Panic to Power:

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My heart raced the entire time everyone was preparing for the musical. Gunter looked through the wardrobe section in the corner of the studio, finding our costumes. Nooshy took Johnny aside to practice with his staff for our duet. 

Then, came the star of the show. 

"Here, Rosita," Buster said, handing the pig her space helmet from atop one of the vanities. "It's your role." 
He gave her a smile; she hugged the helmet close. I rested a reassuring (hand/paw/hoof) on her shoulder. 

"Miss Crawly!" the koala continued, running past the two of us. "Let's see if we can get us a new green alien!" 

"Yes sir, Mr. Moon sir!" 

The lizard left at the order of our boss, and she didn't come back for a while. 

When she finally did, I flinched at the metal door busting open. Johnny -- who had been talking with our lynx friend near the shelves -- gave me a toothy grin. 

I shoved his face away, playfully.

"Hey! You made it!" the koala hollered, and all eyes turned to the studio entrance.


Why was I not surprised? 

We applauded her as she walked in. 

"Yeah, well uh..." she laughed nervously. "Maybe I overreacted a little, before..." 

"A little? You were like a total drama queen back there!" 

"Yeah, okay. We're all good, now." 

"Wow, my dad's gonna flip when he finds out about us!" the wolf continued giddily, as Crawly kicked the doors shut. 

"Well, we're safe for now, but listen--" 

"Safe?" she interrupted, scoffing. 

"Uh, no. None of us are safe." 

Johnny I gave each other a look.
Seemed we had the same idea.

"Mr. Moon?" he piped up softly.

"I know someone who can protect us." 


While Johnny made a phone call, the rest of us continued preparing for the show. Nooshy, Crawly and I ran the dancers from Kickenclober's studio to backstage. Ash stayed with Clay to help him prepare for the finale, and Porsha helped teach Rosita how to do the stage makeup after we all dressed in our costumes. 

After a while, we found ourselves sitting around and waiting for Buster's next instructions.

I studied myself in front of a mirror, almost in disbelief of my appearance; as much of a warrior as I may have looked...I felt more like a helpless peasant.

A pair of arms found their way around my waist.


I leaned into the touch.


"Been acting tough up until now; why the sudden change?" 

I opened my mouth to respond, but found myself hesitating. He made a good point: I had been so dead-set on doing this, yet when the moment was finally happening...I wanted to chicken out. 

I turned around, keeping myself in Johnny's hold with my arms against his chest...while eyeing those behind him. Every movement I made suddenly felt so embarrassing.

Reverse Prisoner- SING! Johnny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now