Setbacks & Solutions:

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The premiere showing for "Out of This World" was only a few days away, and we had been working to add the final touches of each set. The majority of the cast were currently having their costumes finalized...myself included.

Despite Johnny's insistence that I break from the show and rest, I was determined to keep my role -- an irony in and of itself, seeing how I still didn't want to be a part of the performance anyways.
However, we both had come to the agreement that Klaus needed to be stopped. Before or during the show didn't matter anymore.

We weren't going to let that dance coach ruin things for the rest of the team.

The lights in the green room had been maxed as a few crew workers wiped down the crystal stands in the back. Gunter and Buster spent the next few days planning the ending of the musical, while the rest of us rehearsed dance moves, script lines, lyrics.

Johnny and I watched from behind the glass of the sound stage with the koala as Porsha rehearsed her arrival onto our "planet of war." She descended in front of a star-splattered sky between other planets, steering the whirring engine of a small spacecraft.

Our crew and cast were in awe as she landed the ship.

"And cue Porsha!" Buster directed into a headset; a small metal door in the space shuttle pulled open, and out stepped the lanky wolf. Her glittery boots managed to make her look even taller than normal.

In her paw, she held a small walkie-talkie.

"...Captain's log!" she yelled in a monotone voice. "I must take care! For I have landed...on...the planet of war!"

The excitement died, alongside the hope that was formerly clear in our boss's eyes.

"...Ooh." was the only sound he could manage.

I didn't blame him.

"...Okay, so," he continued, gesturing to the set crew. "Let's just hold it right there, folks! Um...everyone take five!"

He fixed his gaze on Crystal's daughter; Gunter and Miss Crawly looked absolutely bewildered.

The bell in the green room rang, something I found reminiscent of a high school bell dismissing classes.

"What the heck is a captain's log, anyway?" I could hear Porsha ask from her spot near the shuttle.

"Um, Porsha?" Buster asked into the headset. "Can I have a word?"



If Buster hadn't died just yet, he certainly was walking a fine line, at the moment.

He insisted that he only meant for the wolf to return the lead role to Rosita -- something that the cast would agree was the right thing for the show's sake....and morals.

However, this was of course the daughter of Jimmy Crystal.
So naturally, she thought she was being fired.

"Oh my gosh! You all HATE ME, don't you?!" the gorilla and I could hear her whining, from our place next to the Saturn set.

...Admittedly, the way she acted was getting me nervous, and I couldn't imagine how that poor koala must've been faring in that moment. If I was feeling this bad, he had to be receiving it ten times worse.
I buried my head in my boyfriend's shoulder. He kept a firm grip on my (hand/paw/hoof).

"Well I don't care if you hate me!" she dismissed as she scurried down the steps from one of the offices. "You and your stupid stupid sky-fi show can go to heck!"

Reverse Prisoner- SING! Johnny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now