The Last Straw:

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Johnny hadn't returned from the garage after we visited Marcus; he'd dropped me off near the shutters and told me to stay out of sight, just in case. 

He hadn't come back all night, and I was getting a little suspicious.
Since the theater was just around the corner, I decided to go ahead and walk over there the next morning. I noticed how much cleaner the auditorium looked. 

I noticed how crowded the green room was: Mike had been laying on red cushions talking on his cell phone, Rosita and Gunter had been talking with each other near another exit behind the mother pig, Ash had been practicing on her guitar and of course, Mr. Man himself had been sitting at the bottom of the wooden staircase casually reading a newspaper. 

I walked directly in front of him, crossed my arms and tapped my foot.
I watched his ears lift slightly before he slowly looked up at me. A silence stood between the two of us, separated only by the lively noises of the theater's backstage.

"...What?" Johnny casually asked, breaking the quiet as if he hadn't left me by myself in a garage all night, worrying about where the heck he was. 

"And where were you?" I asked, in the most scolding tone I could come up with. The gorilla shrugged, nonchalantly looking back at the paper. 

"Had stuff to do." 

Oh, so he was gonna play that card, huh? 

I rolled my eyes, uncrossing my arms.

"Hey, Johnny?" I asked, my tone calmer, "Can I...see that paper a minute?" 

"...What for?" 

"I'm curious about it." 

He shrugged again, handing it to me with a grin; I gave him a fake smile...before rolling the paper up and smacking him across the head with it.


He yelped in pain, rubbing his forehead.

"What was that for?!" 

"Do you realize how worried I was?!" I shot back, not noticing the attention that my voice had drawn, "You think that this is funny?! That you're just gonna up and leave me alone all night and have everything be fine and dandy?! You completely left me in the dark, literally! You didn't even tell me where you were going, or what you were doing or--" 

"--Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait," Rosita chimed in, cutting me off, "What's going on?"

"It's nothing, Rosita," Johnny answered, "It--" 

"--What do you mean it's nothing?!" I interrupted, "I--" 

"--Hey, guys?" Eddie asked, cutting in, "Buster and I are heading out; Nana's here, so uh...get ready if you haven't." 

He gave us a thumbs-up, and left. The pig turned to us. 

"We will discuss this later."


"--Y/N, later." 

I huffed, watching Meena pass the others to the levers controlling the hanging moon and curtains. I crossed my arms, sitting on the wooden bench before feeling it sink slightly from someone else's weight. 

"...Hey, I'm sorry; okay?" 


I didn't forgive him. 


"All creatures great and small," Buster announced onstage as he descended atop the fake moon. The backstage had been completely silent in watching. 

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