Crystal Clear Shenanigans:

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The Moon Theater could've fit right inside the Crystal Towers Hotel. 

A gigantic, shimmering structure that almost looked to be made entirely out of plexiglass, with a beautiful, shimmering, pink crystal sculpture that towered even above that

Fountains spewed over a wide-spanned pond, overlapping each other in sprinkling brilliance; I was already enthralled, and this was just the entrance into the parking lot. 

I couldn't imagine what waited for us inside. 

Johnny had to pull me through the giant automatic doors by my wrist, prying my eyes away from the scenery with a soft chuckle. 

"Don't get too entranced, love," he warned. "We still have work to do before you can take it in, yeah?" 

"...Yeah..." I trailed off, mesmerized. "Yeah...I'm...I'm coming." 

In a reflex of self-discipline, I shook myself out of the trance, turning back towards the hotel lobby. 

I clasped a (hand/paw/hoof) against my mouth, if only to stop myself from gasping aloud in awe (and letting the obviously very rich people in the lobby know how absolutely fucking broke I was HELP-). 

A crystal purple arch gave way into an absolutely ginormous lobby; there were crystal bushes, crystal trees, crystal shrubs. You name it, Crystal had it. A narrow path of pink crystal trees surrounded the center floor in the outer courtyard of the lobby whilst a meadow of blues and neons surrounded the back, near the elevators. 

In the center of the room, towering over everyone and everything, was an absolute titan of a crystal tree, and above said piece dangled strings of colorful crystals from the ceiling. 

Admittedly, the bright (albeit astonishing) colors were slightly overwhelming to look at after a moment, and I had to take a few steps back just to admire it all without making myself whoozy. 

A few hotel workers brought a couple trays of food into our (absolutely gigantic, Crystal you're scaring me STOP--) suite. The living room of the suite was gilded in a lush purple carpet and surrounded by long sofas and loveseats. There were a few steps that led down into the common area with said furniture, along with a small bar on one end of the room sitting next to a purple mural covering the back wall. 

Miss Crawly had set up a few post-it notes and pictures of Clay Calloway along with a map, trying to find an exact location for where he could be. 

Gunter had been ranting his ideas for the musical to Buster, who sat on one of the sofas with a laptop open, set on a glass table in front of him. 

"And I got one of these ideas for this cool alien tango scene!" the pig continued to ramble as I chilled on one of the loveseats, trying to map out the hotel floors through the app on my phone. 

...What? The preview pictures were pretty to look at! Don't judge me! 

Gunter vocalized to himself, dancing in the middle of the carpet as Buster typed on his computer. 

"Alien...tango...scene," the koala repeated, throwing a kiss to the air. "Oh! I love it!" 

The pig suddenly paused. 

"Wait!" he exclaimed, whipping his head around to face the bear and setting his hooves down on the table in front of the laptop. "I've got a better idea! What if it was like a big underwater scene instead?" 

He imitated a person drowning. 


"Yeah yeah! I'm sure of this! Write it down!" 

Reverse Prisoner- SING! Johnny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now