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We had left the theater a lot later than I thought we would after selections; Johnny couldn't have been more pumped.

"Imagine the things we could do with a hundred grand!" the gorilla gushed (it was actually pretty cute watching him fanboy...I wouldn't have admitted that, though). 

"Uh-huh," I tiredly agreed while stretching my arms, "Maybe, I could afford a phone call to throw you and your dad behind bars for kidnapping me." 

Johnny rolled his eyes. 

"You're never gonna be over this." 

"Uh, no, no I'm not." 

He smirked.

"Ya know, for someone who got kidnapped just a day ago, you're acting rather like it's not as bad as you say it is." 

"I still am upset," I explained, "and...frankly scared of your dad...I'm just more used to it, now." 

"You'd consider me a friend, wouldn't you?" 

"Ha, you're funny; I'm not getting Stockholm Syndrome anytime soon, buddy." 

"What is it with you and--" 

He cut himself off, looking ahead; I looked in the same direction, noticing that he was staring at the entrance to the city park. 

"Have you never seen a park before?" I joked. 

His face never changed.

"Wait, you actually haven't?" 

"Oh--no," he corrected, "I've seen them, obviously; my dad's just...never let us take a trip there, you know?" 

"Was he too hung up on robbing banks?" 

He grinned. 

"He still is." 

"Well, he's not here, is he?" I asked, taking the gorilla's arm, "Come on." 

He raised a brow. 

"Hey, he drags you along to his crimes anyways," I pointed out, "I can tell; I'm pretty sure doing the right thing for once wouldn't hurt." 

"How do you know it's the right thing?" Johnny asked. 

I smiled.

"Because a trip to the park isn't robbing a bank." 


"Why do you just let him throw you on lookouts for him?" I asked as we sat on a bench near the middle of the park. Shadowy figures of kids kicked around a soccer ball. The sky was growing dark as evening drew close, and I knew we couldn't stay long.

It was a lot better than that closet, though. That was for sure. 

"I can't exactly argue with my dad, Y/N," he responded softly, "Wouldn't listen if I told him I wanted to sing for a living." 

"If he knew about the money, he probably would." 

"Nah, he'd just want to rob Mr. Moon." 

"Meh, he deserves it after brushing off your audition for that quick minute." I retorted, earning a chuckle from the ape.

"Hey, lookit that! I got him to laugh!" 

"Wasn't a laugh," Johnny lied, "I have a weird cough." 

"I would agree in that case."

Reverse Prisoner- SING! Johnny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now