Perhaps Day Two?:

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I awoke to another bright glare from the window; I couldn't check the time, not that I cared to bother with trying...until I felt the covers being yanked off. 

It wasn't even five seconds before I began shivering and sat up. 

"Dude, what the heck?" I asked a chuckling Johnny, who was already opening the bedroom door to head out. 

"Hey, least I didn't play an airhorn for ya, no?" he asked. 

"Better get ready; I have another rehearsal today." 


I just about fell asleep, on the way to the theater; I didn't know what it was. 

"You're quieter than usual," Johnny stated whilst he parked the truck, "Something wrong?" 

"No, just..." I trailed off, "...tired." 

"Not get enough sleep?" 

"Guess not." 

He gave me a soft smile before opening his door. I copied his actions, opening the passenger's side and stepping out. I was slow in my walk, and I guess the gorilla seemed to notice, because he turned around. 

"You must be exhausted." 

I gave him a smile as he outstretched his hand. 

"What is it with you and hand-holding?" 

He shrugged.

"You're fun to hold hands with." 


I could tell that he was growing frustrated as he repeated the same melody he'd been playing on the piano for the past hour. Crawly had been pouring a cup of coffee while I sat watching, bored. He played a couple keys, misplayed them, and pounded on the whole board. He then groaned, rubbing his face. 

This had been a repeating cycle until the lizard spoke up. 

"Yes, that was...very bad." Miss Crawly commented following Johnny's distressed noise. Her eyes stayed glued to her coffee cup as she spoke. 

We suddenly heard a static voice. 

"Johnny? Come in. Over." 

The gorilla and I glanced at each other wide-eyed before our focus was taken away by the elderly lizard.

"Oh, Johnny, your jacket's talking." 

He quickly stood from the piano, grabbing it off the rack by Crawly's desk; I heard him whisper something back before yanking the jacket on, and he took me by the shoulders.

"Stay here; I have to go out." 


"Stay. Here." 

I stared at the floor.
That little "order" stung, and I had a hunch that Johnny realized that, because he turned my chin so I was staring back up at him. 

"Just for now," he reassured, "I'll come back to pick you up later." 

"But, what about what your dad said--about keeping an eye on me?" 

"I'll make up an excuse," he dismissed, "If we get caught--" 

"If you get caught, I wanna be there too," I cut off, "Please, Johnny." 

"Caught doing what, Sweetheart?" Crawly queried. Johnny clicked his tongue as I sucked in my cheeks. He glanced at the lizard before fixing his gaze back on me. 

Reverse Prisoner- SING! Johnny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now