Big Finale, Bigger Heist:

459 15 4

The spotlight shone on the porcupine, casting her away from the dim blue light of the auditorium. It was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. 

Her footsteps were equally silent, her legs barely seeming to carry her weight as she made her way to the edge of the stage. 

There were a few beats of silence. Ash shut her eyes. 

"...I have climbed,
the highest mountains.
I have run, 
through the fields. 
Only to be with you..."

I clung to Johnny's forearm as Nooshy and I shared a look. For a moment, it was as if the entire world had died away. The adrenaline rush of the fight with Calloway, combined with the chaos of the rest of the musical, was long gone. 

All of the buildup to this moment, just to listen to the apathy in Ash's voice. 

"...Only to be with you..."

Collectively, the cast and I seemed to realize that this wasn't going to end the way we hoped it would. 

"But I still haven't found,
what I'm looking for." 

She lifted her head to the audience, outstretching her arms and opening her arms. 

The crowd seemed to catch her cue. 

"...But I still haven't found...what I'm looking for..." 

Tens of thousands of voices echoed around the auditorium. 

"But I still haven't found...what I'm looking for..." 

Tens of thousands of voice applauded the porcupine. 

Tens of thousands of ears picked up the sound of a guitar riff, all at the same time. 

I ran forward, clinging to the rail of the upper platform as slowly, Clay walked out onstage, guitar pick in-paw as he strummed his own melody for the first time in over a decade. 

Soon as he appeared, animals were jumping out of their seats, hollering, screaming. The liveliness seemed to return to Crystal Tower Theater all at once. 

"I believe,
in the kingdom come.
Then the colors, 
will bleed into one, 
bleed into one.
But yes, I'm still running." 

He joined Ash at the end of the stage, as she began to play and sing along with him. 

"You broke the bonds,
and you loosed the chains! 
Carried the cross of my shame,
of my shame! 
You know I believe it!"

"But I still haven't found,
what I'm looking for.
But I still haven't found,
what I'm looking for." 

"But I still haven't found
what I'm looking for." 

I could see the smile on Buster's face as he watched the two onstage. Nooshy and Johnny joined me at the rail, the latter keeping an arm around me, as if he were afraid I'd fly off the platform. 

And I was almost tempted to. 

The spotlights set at the edge of the stage platform rose up, surrounding the two in a neon wall, along with Rosita and Gunter. 

"I still haven't found,
what I'm looking for." 

The platform began to rise into the air, carrying the four as they overlooked the crowd in the auditorium, and the lights began to come on. Beneath them, the stage platform sank under the floor as the audience repeated the lyrics, singing along with Ash and Clay. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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