Fluctuating Faith:

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There was a rush of euphoria that seemed to hit the both of us as we made our way backstage, and though the walk inside the wings was calm, our actions afterwards were anything but. 

"Mission report: my search takes me to the second planet," Rosita spoke onstage as I tried to control the shakiness of my (hands/paws/hooves). "the Planet of Joy." 

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god--" 

"Y/N, shush." 

"I can't shush!" I fired back quietly, anxiously checking my mic to make sure it was still off. I could hear Johnny behind me, chuckling softly to himself as we watched Porsha's performance. 

"Leave the gal be, she just gave the performance of her whole career." he quietly scolded the lynx, who merely rolled her eyes, giving her own whisper of a laugh. 

"You weren't kidding when you said she's always this frazzled." 

He grinned, hugging me close and pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I kept my arms around his torso, if only to force myself to stop shaking so damn much. 

"Ah, wouldn't trade it for anything." 

I turned my head just enough to be able to watch Porsha sing. We could hear more of the audience's astonishment as she launched into the air and onto the stage. 

"Don't wanna live as an untold story!
Rather go out in a blaze of glory! 
I can't hear you!
I don't fear you!"

As the wolf sang, she danced around the stage, poking at monotone-hued inflatables. As her paw touched each one, confetti would explode around it as it suddenly became bright and colorful, almost neon. 

"I'll live now, 'cause the bad die last! 
Dodging bullets with your broken past! 
I can't hear you! 
I don't fear you, now!

"Wrapped in your regret! 
What a waste of blood and sweat! 

"I wanna taste love and pain! 
Wanna feel pride and shame!
I don't wanna take my time!
Don't wanna waste one line!"

Many more of the alien-like, colorful inflatables rose up around her, waving back and forth as she danced around. We could hear the audience beginning to sing along with her, as the song grew to a climax. 

"I wanna live better days!
Never look back and say! 
It could've been me!
It could've been me! 

The few of us backstage jumped at the sound of a door slamming open. I could feel my heart sinking into my stomach as we turned. 


Porsha hadn't seemed to notice, yet. 

....Keyword: yet

"Don't wanna wake up on a Monday morning!
The thought of work's getting my skin crawling!"


Johnny and I shared the same concerned look. The wolf herself, however, didn't seem phased at all. 

"Get off of there! Don't you make me come out there!" he threatened. 

She marched right down to her father with the biggest grin on her face. 

"I can't fear you! I don't hear you, now!" 

He reached to grab at her, only for her to back away just in time. She continued on, marching to the beat as if nothing even happened. 

Reverse Prisoner- SING! Johnny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now