The Second First Rehearsal:

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We could hear "Lite Spots" echoing as dancers stretched on a beam in the back of the dance studio...where Buster had led us.

A dance studio.
For a battle scene.

He didn't even need to tell me; the knot in my stomach was telling enough.

For Johnny, didn't seem to click.

"You two," the koala began, as Gunter tagged behind us. "I want you to meet your fellow dancers."

"Hello lads..." the gorilla shyly greeted with a half- hearted wave, a monkey in the back and a warthog in front waving us hello.

All the excitement about our "fantastic battle scene" seemed to immediately drain from my boyfriend's face.
Finally, he was understanding.

"Uh, wait," the ape paused, turning and fixing his gaze on Buster...while I averted mine from the onlookers in the studio. "I thought you said ours was a battle scene."

" is," Buster explained. "but Gunter saw it as more of a...a dance battle."

"Yeah!" Gunter eagerly cried, pumping his fists excitedly.

Johnny trailed off; his eagerness to be a part of this seemed to be quickly dying, and I didn't dare blame him for a second.

Not only had I been dragged into this as well, but Buster tricked us, too.

Talk about pouring salt on the wound.

The koala seemed to notice the nervous looks on our faces.

"Guys, don't worry," he reassured, reaching into his blazer pocket and pulling out a business card, handing it to the gorilla. "You're gonna be working with the number one choreographer in Redshore City."

I took a gentle hold of the ape's forearm, looking over his shoulder to follow along as he read the card aloud.

"Klaus...Kickenklober..." he trailed; the card was tinted black on the left side, and gray on the right with a bold white font. On the gray side was a picture of a (very grumpy-looking, shall I note) howler monkey, doing a pose that was suppose to suggest...balance or something?

I didn't care enough to try and figure it out; I was more concerned with finding a way out of this show--

"Yup!" Buster encouraged, interrupting my thoughts. "Klaus will turn you into pros in no time!"


Johnny nervously tapped on the card with his fingers; we glanced at each other with the same concerned look.

"Uh, Mr. Moon?" Meena called from the entrance of the studio; the koala didn't hesitate to leave.

It was at just that moment that I felt a sudden tap to my shoulder; I looked behind me, to see a (female animal of your choosing). She held a long staff in her right (hand/paw/hoof).

"You guys look stiff," she greeted with a grin. "Don't worry; the choreography here can be rough, but the instructor means well."

No one needed to tell me; even I knew my face was turning pink.

"Here; come with me," she instructed,
outstretching a (hand/paw/hoof) to me. "Ryan and I have been here the longest; we'll teach you some stretches to help you get started."

I looked back at the gorilla; he still wore the same nervous grin.

Admittedly, I had to stifle a laugh, instead opting to give his hand a reassuring squeeze.

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