Review Rehearsal:

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"Now listen up!" Buster instructed, turning around; we had been backstage at the theater a little early; the koala said it was urgent to be there, because he had a special surprise for "us". 

"Us" meaning the cast, of course. 

Only reason I was there was because of Johnny. 

...Not that I minded.

"Tomorrow, we're going to have a full preview of the show," Moon continued, "and our audience will be none other than Miss Nana Noodleman!" 

"Nana Noodleman?" Mike repeated in emphasis, "She's still alive?" 

"Oh yes," Buster answered, "and believe me, she has some pretty high standards; so! Today, we're going to be having a full dress rehearsal, and I want to see you light up the stage, folks!" 

"Well, that's cool!" Gunter stated as the gang gathered to the other wing. 

"This might be a stupid question," I spoke, "But, uh...who's Nana Noodleman?" 

"She's an extremely talented singer, Y/N," Johnny explained, "Apparently related to Eddie." 

"So in other words," I responded, "If I ever need lunch money, I can just go to Eddie." 

"Ha, you're still kidnapped; remember?" 

I groaned. 

"Don't remind me." 

"Two minutes everybody!" Buster called. I sat down on a stool as Johnny hung his jacket on a rack near one of the mirrors and began checking himself in said glass.

It hadn't even been one minute before we heard: 

"Johnny? Johnny where are ya?" 

The gorilla and I looked to each other wide-eyed as he grabbed his jacket.

This time, I went with him; however, he stopped me in my tracks. 

"No," he scolded quietly, "Stay back." 

"Are we really doing this again?" I remarked in the same quiet tone, "I'm not a little kid; I wanna know." 

"You have no business with this, Y/N," he reminded, "It's too dangerous." 

"Oh, I'm sorry," I retorted sarcastically, "I forgot how dangerous it was to ride in a truck." 

"A truck going a hundred miles an hour with cops on its tail." 

"We already went through it once," I pointed out, "I--"

"--Johnny!" the gorilla's father called again, "Answer the walkie-talkie!" 

He rolled his eyes, bending behind one of the crates. 

"Yeah, Dad, I'm here, I'm here," he reassured his father, "What's wrong?" 

"We got the call; shipment's coming in." Marcus informed.

"Tonight?" Johnny asked.

"Not tonight; now," his dad corrected, "Meet us on the corner of Hector Street in two minutes." 

"That's more than two minutes from here." 

Johnny didn't answer. 

When I looked down at him; he was frozen. 


I'd ridden in the flatbed with Marcus's gang members as the Alpha male himself rode inside the truck with an irritated Johnny, who'd repeatedly tried to convince his dad that it was a bad idea to take me with them.
I guess Marcus really had been growing on me, because he didn't budge. 

Reverse Prisoner- SING! Johnny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now