Chapter 26: (Ice Elementalist)

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(Third Person's P.O.V)

"Did you see that, Rosanna?" Headmistress Farragonda asked Rosanna, turning to her only to see a blank expression on her face while she wore the opposite. Shock and as well as confusion is written all over the Headmistress' face.

"Yeah." Rosanna simply replied, not looking a bit surprised.

They saw it. What just happened in the school's garden while watching Angelica and the others.

Farragonda and Rosanna happened to pass by not far from the garden while doing their rounds. They saw everything right even before Ezekiel lost control and vanished to Lucian asking Jack to melt the ice before running off.

Headmistress' eyes were wide with her mouth hanging open. She already had her suspicions because of the type of the nymph Ezekiel got but she didn't know Ezekiel was indeed an Ice Elementalist which only meant he was another survivor of Domino.

"T-This-- h-how?" Farragonda stammered.

Rosanna gave her a flat look. "Really, Farragonda?"

The Headmistress blinked, opened her mouth then closed it. "I-"

Rosanna shook her head with her index finger over her lips. "Not here." She told her after scanning around. Even though there was no one around, Rosanna knew better to be safe.

"Let's go back to your office." She said and the Headmistress nodded.

Once they got back to Farragonda's office and Rosanna shut the doors right after. She sat on the couch and Farragonda on the opposite side, still looking a little shaken from what she just witnessed.

Rosanna stared at her. "Are you really that shocked?" She asked.

Headmistress looked up, meeting her gaze. She swallowed before speaking. She shook her head. "No. After Agatha, Queen Fiona and King Zayden, I wouldn't be that surprised if I discovered other survivors from the Domino War."

Rosanna reclined to the couch to sit more comfortably. "Then what is it?"

"How is it possible? Ezekiel is a royalty." Headmistress said, looking so confused.

"Well, did you forget he's a member of the Sevezrean Royal family? He's probably adopted. You know how it works, once you've been adopted into a Royal Family, that makes you a royal member too." Rosanna said.

"But he's a royal by blood." Farragonda revealed, staring back at Rosanna.

Rosanna stilled. "A-what now?"

"You heard me."

Her eyes widen ever so slightly. "T-That can't be." She actually stammered.

"He's another survivor of Domino and a royalty. How do you think that's possible?" Headmistress said looking more and more shaken, her features paling.

"It's not. There's only one family in Domino and that's the Arzarnhia Royal Family. There can't be any other." Rosanna stated. Although she told that statement to Farragonda, it was more like she was convincing herself with her own words.

"I know but do you think-"

"No. That's way too impossible. Queen Fiona and King Zayden only have one child and that is Princess Crystal." Rosanna cut her off knowing what she would ask.

"Then how do you explain Ezekiel, huh?" The Headmistress asked her. "Could he be a relative then?"

Rosanna shakes her head once again. "No. That can't be right. You know Queen Fiona is the first woman to receive the blessing of Ice Element. Unless other people we didn't know of received it as well but it's only Queen Fiona. After that, she's the one who blessed Dominian people with that magic, no other people. And Queen Fiona isn't even a royalty by blood."

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