Chapter 25: (Losing Control: Traitor Among Their Midst)

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I want to go back to updating once a week because although my school is done my work is keeping me so busy😩. Not to mention, I want to at least write something when I get home after work but I end up crashing on my bed because I'm too tired to write😫. Don't even ask about weekends. Just when I think of relaxing, my family surprises me with unplanned appointments and stuff like going out which gets in the way of my writing time🙃. But I'd end up going with them because it's family time. I just can't catch a break these days🥲.

Anyways, enough about my ranting. Enjoy reading🤗

(Third Person's P.O.V)

"I can't believe it." Spike uttered as he took a seat on one of the chairs that was knocked over after putting it back up.

"Yeah, he really did it." Ashton agreed, taking a seat as well, the others following, some just sat down on the floor.

They all suddenly looked tired and drained as though what had transpired a while ago was too much for them to take, especially the shock they went through about what they had just found out.

"What happens to Crystal then?" Beatrix wonders in sad stupor.

Zeke lets out a scowl. "Is she still even in Zeranhia?" He asked.

"I doubt it. I don't see any more reasons why she should be there. Zack already cut off his ties with her. Not to mention, King Zayden and Queen Fiona were there, so they probably took Crystal with them." Maziar replied with a cold tone.

"Now, there's really no hope of Crystal ever getting better, is it?" Beatrix's voice broke. All attention turned to her.

Their eyes widen ever so slightly when they see tears already streamed down her cheeks.

"Beatrix..." Ashton moved from his seat and ushered closer to Beatrix, his tone consoling. He opened his arms wide and Beatrix almost instantly went in for a hug, melting into his arms as she broke down silently. Her face drenched with tears buried in his chest.

No one responded, not because they wouldn't but they were unable to. They honestly didn't have any idea what happens now, especially to Crystal.

"I'm scared, Ash. What if Crystal won't really wake up this time? Why did Zack do it?" She asked, tears of vulnerability, betrayal, and pain brimmed her eyes. "I thought he cared about her most." Beatrix cried softly, her tone demanding yet confused.

Ashton looked at Beatrix sadly, comforting her. "I don't know, Trix. He didn't really give any clear explanation."

"But can we blame him though?" Kenzie spoke out of the blue causing all attention to move towards her.

"What?" Zeke asked, wanting to make sure he heard her right. Is she seriously going to take his side?!

Kenzie raised her hand up, stopping any further objection. "Hear me out first, okay? Wendy is right about one thing. Zack has been in too much pain. He didn't really tell us but we know. However, even if we were aware of that, we can't imagine what kind and level of suffering he's going through. It probably became too much for him to bear, the reason why he got tired."

"But is that really enough reason to do it? Especially at a time like this where Crystal is most critical!" Spike asked. "Not to mention, finding another right off the bat as if Crystal was nothing? That's just too much."

"And out of the girls he could have picked, he chose Wendy." Maziar added with a wry laugh.

Kenzie sighed heavily. "I'm only trying to understand his reasons but that doesn't mean I agree with his decision to get engaged with Wendy so soon."

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