Chapter 2- Officially Meeting 5sos

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I was on the plane to California to go start the tour in Europe. I am so excited I can't sit still. I can't read, I can't sleep, I can't do anything. So I just decide to sit and daydream. 


"Hey beautiful," he said while staring his beautiful eyes into mine.

"So I heard that your sister Miranda gave you a little present before leaving,"  Ashton said while walking up to me with a little smirk on his face. 

"Yeah but I left it at home," I lied.

"That's ok, baby I've got plenty."

And with that he pressed his lips to mine.

"Passengers please pull your seats back forward we are starting our descent. And in a few minutes we will be landing in Los Angeles, California." 

Oh my god. This is happening. Then I suddenly become nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they don't want me on their tour? Who even requested me to be on this tour? 

My thoughts are broken by the movement of other people on the plane. We have landed. Alright, time to go meet 5 seconds of summer.

I get off the plane and head for baggage claim. I see someone holding a sign with my name on it. I follow them and they lead me to a black limousine. How fancy. I get in and in a few minutes we are at a small house. I'm guessing this is where I meet them. The driver opens the door for me, and when I walk in I am greeted by the boys sitting on a big couch in front of a tv. They turn and looked at me and got up to give me hugs and further greet me. Their manager soon came in and introduced us to each other. He explained that we were staying in the small house for the night and leaving the next day. 

He showed me where my room was going to be, then he went into what I am guessing is his office while I went back out into the living room where the boys were. 

"Hi," I said while walking back into the living room. 

"Hey," Luke, Calum, and Michael said in unison while Ashton waved at me. 

"You're name is Brooke right?" Luke asked me.


"Come sit with us," Calum said while patting the space between him and Ashton. I went over and sat down and as soon as I sat down Luke, Calum, and Michael started asking me questions about myself.

"What are your plans for the future?" Michael asked me. 

"I want to be a baker. I love baking and I always have. I would always help my mom make cookies or cake for someone's birthday," I explain to them while they all nod. 

"What is your favorite thing to bake?" I hear someone say from next to me. I turn my head at Ashton who was staring into my eyes. I swallow the lump in my throat and reply, "cookies easily."

"Cool," he replied without breaking our gaze.

"You know Brooke we all love cookies," Luke said making us both look at him. 

"He's saying you should make us cookies," Michael said. 

"Kinda figured," I said while laughing a little at their attempts to get me to make cookies. 

"So are you ready to go on tour," Calum asked me.


We spend the next few hours watching tv. The manager (let's call him Steve) went and picked up a pizza. We all ate while the boys were talking about the tour. At about 10 at night I decide to go into my room and get ready for tomorrow. After about an hour someone knocks on my door.


"So the new girl is super hot." Luke says while taking a sit of his beer. 

"I guess," I kinda lie. She is so beautiful that I thought I might faint when she was sitting next to me for 4 hours. And when we locked eyes I was trying so hard not to lean in and kiss her. I hadn't realized I zoned out until I hear what Luke said next.

"I'm gonna go tell her goodnight," he said and stood giving us a little smirk. Oh god. No. I won't let this happen. But before I could do anything he was going up the stairs to her room.


"Come in."

"Hey," I heard a very drunk Luke say while stumbling through my door. 

"Careful what are you doing?" I ask

"Telling you goodnight," he says while wrapping his arms around me in a hug. The smell of alcohol was undeniably on him, making me sick. I break the hug and tell him goodnight. He stumbles out the door just like how he got in. 

I woke up at 5am to get ready to go to the airport. I walk into the kitchen to make some breakfast for me and the boys. When I get there, I see Ashton cooking something in a pan on the stove. He was wearing his typical clothing style along with an apron. I didn't realize I was staring until he turned around, surprised by a presence in the kitchen at 5 in the morning.

"Sorry to scare you," I apologized.

"It's fine, hungry?"

"Yes. What are you making?" I asked and walked up to him.

"Just eggs. We don't really have anything else in the house."

I nod and we keep talking about the tour. Our first leg of the tour is Asia and Europe, and the second half is America, Canada, and Australia. Before long, Calum walks in and gets some eggs. I must say Ashton is a great cook. In about 10 minutes Michael walks in.

"Is Luke still asleep?" Ashton asked Michael. 

"Like a bump on a log. This happens every time he drinks he sleeps to the middle of the day."

Calum went and woke Luke up so he could eat. 20 minutes later we were heading out the door and to the airport. We get there in just enough time to get on the plane. 

We sit in our assigned seats and I am sitting next to Ashton and Luke. 

Right away, Ashton pushed his chair back and fell asleep. I don't know how someone could fall asleep on a plane. I turn to face Luke who was looking out the window. I decided to put in some headphones and listen to music. The second She Looks So Perfect played in my ears, Luke turned to me.

"Nice taste in music," he said with a smile on his face.

"Thanks," I say a little embarrassed that he heard it even though it's music from the band he is in. We started talking about the tour and all the places we were going. First we were going to India. I have never been outside of the US, so I'm kinda excited for this. We talk for what feels like forever about everything and nothing before he fell asleep. 

I didn't know what to do, so I decided to try and sleep.

"You feel so good baby."

I am on the bathroom sink with Ashton inside of me. I let out a small moan when he kept pushing himself into me farther. He keeps thrusting in and out of me making deep raspy grunts leave his beautiful mouth that was pressed against mine. In a few minutes he cums inside me.

"Welcome to the mile high club baby," he said before pecking my lips and putting his clothes back on and leaving.

I wake up and realize I had fallen asleep with my head on Ashton's shoulder. Embarrassing I know right. I look up to see that he was looking down at me with a small smile on his face.

"Did you sleep well Brooke?"

I nod. The intercom said that we were getting ready to land in India.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I must say this is my first I have ever written smut so hopefully it wasn't that bad. 

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Love love Brooke

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