The one with tequila and pancakes

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WARNING: sad chapter ahead

Ashton, my dad and I walked into my room and saw Miranda lying on the floor with a cut on her head.

My dad rushes to her side, Ashton walks out and calls for an ambulance. I look over at McKenzie who was holding the end of a bottle with blood on the end of it. 

Within minutes Miranda was being rushed to the hospital. They immediately took her into an emergency room to take care of the cut. I can not believe that McKenzie would hit Miranda in the head with a tequila bottle. 

My dad had told my mom what was going on so she came to the hospital. So now my parents, Ashton, Luke, Michael, Calum and I were waiting in the waiting room for news on Miranda. 

About an hour and a half later, which felt like a million years, the doctor came out and said that Miranda had a severe concussion and was going to stay in the hospital for a few days.

He allowed us to go in and see her. We walk in and she is on a hospital bed with blood all over her face. I rush up to her and give her a hug. Michael, Calum, and Luke left so the family could have more one on one time together. The only reason Ashton stayed behind was to comfort me. We stayed in the room talking to Miranda for a few more hours until the doctor came in and said she needed rest. 

Once we got home Ashton stayed in my room that night to keep me company. Surprisingly, my parents didn't fight it. I lay down with Ashton and in a matter of minutes I'm asleep.

The next morning I wake up and see Ashton awake and on his phone. 

"Good morning love how did you sleep." He asks kissing me on the forehead.

"Morning pretty good," I respond.

"Why did you stay in here I'm sure my dad made breakfast"

"I wanted to stay in here with you to make sure you were fine."

We walk out and sure enough my dad was making pancakes. I get plates out for everyone. Michael walks in and gets his plate. A few minutes later Luke walks in, and then Calum. We all eat and Luke came up with the idea of going sightseeing to get my mind off of Miranda. I was unsure at first and then my mom told me Miranda was having surgery and that I couldn't visit her until later that night. 

So the boys and I left and toured the city. We were out for a few hours until we decide to go visit Miranda. 

We get to her hospital room and she is asleep. The doctor came up to me and said that I could wait in the room until she wakes up. I sat there for over three hours until she woke up.

"Hey little sis"

"Miranda you're awake" I say standing up and walking over to her.

"How are you?" I ask holding her hand.

"Good the doctor said I should be able to go home in a couple days."

I was glad to hear that she was doing well and recovering. 

"I'm glad I got to meet Ashton, you two are so cute together" she says giving me a weak smile.

"Yeah he is amazing."

"I'm gonna give you some advice, whatever happens in life just remember that there are people that love you. And once you find those people, don't let them go because not everyone will feel the same way about you." It took me a second to realize she was talking about Ashton. I smile and give her a hug. "Thanks for the advice."

A nurse came in and said I needed to leave because Miranda needed to eat. We said our goodbyes and shared one last hug before I walked out. 

I call Ashton and told him to pick me up at the hospital. Once I got in I told him the good news about Miranda. We get back to my house and I tell my parents. That night I went to bed so peacefully with Ashton by my side. 

The next morning I walk out into the kitchen and see my mom on the phone. I assumed she was talking to the doctor until I heard her say, "I know you didn't mean to honey."

She was talking to McKenzie.

I stand in front of her to try and get her attention. Once I have it I ask why she was talking to McKenzie. She said that she was sad about what happened to Miranda. 

"She should be," I mumbled. With that my mom said goodbye to McKenzie and turned her attention to me. 

"What's that supposed to mean." She asked, infuriated. 

"Do you not remember that McKenzie gave Miranda a severe concussion?"

"Yes but McKenzie is my daughter and your favorite sister so we must learn to forgive."

"She is not my favorite sister," she definitely isn't anymore at least.

"Seriously your favorite sister is Miranda!? You mean the one who was always so rude and mean to you who also used to sneak out and was a bad influence on you. You pick her over the sweet sister who always loved you and had time for you." I can not believe she just said that. If only she knew.

"No I picked the sister who talked to me all the time while I was on tour to make sure I was doing good, over the sister who called me a slut."

"When did she call you a slut?" My mother questions.

"Once I started dating Ashton." Once I said that she laughed a little.

"Why are you laughing at that."

"Because you kinda are, you're dating a guy that is 11 years older than you who is probably just using you." I can not believe this. My own mother called me a slut.

"I am not a slut, I happen to love Ashton and I know he loves me."

"How do you know that."

I show her the ring and tell her the story that he told me. After that I walk outside, I don't need to be around all of this negative energy. I call a cab and go see Miranda. Once I got there I told her everything. 

"It shouldn't matter what mom and dad or anyone else thinks about you and Ashton." 

"I know and I don't care what they think but how can she call me that, I'm her daughter. I know that she thinks it's disgusting because of the age difference but the truth is, I don't even see that I just see someone who loves me." 

 "You should go tell them that then." Miranda says.

"You know what I will, thanks for the help sis," I say getting up and giving her a hug. 

Ashton's pov

I wake up and Brooke isn't there. I walk into the hallway by the kitchen. Then I hear Brooke's parents talking.

"I can not believe that Ashton gave Brooke a ring." Her dad said. I stand there eavesdropping and hear all the stuff they said. Brooke was right,

They do hate me. 

Soooo whatcha think?? I hope this isn't to sad. What do you think is going to happen?

I will not be able to write these next few days because my parents decided to make me go camping and we are leaving tomorrow. I promise that once I get back I will try and update asap. 

If no one saw my message, I'm working on another Ashton Irwin fan fiction and I need a name for the main character. I would like something that is kind of common but still nice. For example, a few names I was thinking are Claire, Rose, Chloe, Taylor, Sarah, Emma etc. So anyone got any other names?

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Love love Brooke

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