Chapter 7- Rack'em up love

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I wake up to use the bathroom at 5 in the morning. After that, I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to make breakfast. Today was Ashton and I's last day in Austria before we head to Germany tomorrow morning. Steve was not happy at all when we told him everyone else was already in Germany, and that Ashton and I were dating. He probably wasn't paying attention to that part, so I don't worry about it. 

I was cooking eggs and bacon when I heard someone walk up behind me. I turn around and am met with Ashton walking up and giving me a hug. He stumbles over to get himself some tea. He is so cute. 

"So what are we gonna do today love," he asks sitting at the little table in the kitchen. He called me love. I've never been called love before. I look over to see him smiling at me.

"You know you are so cute when you blush." I did not realize I was blushing, which caused me to blush more in embarrassment. I finish cooking breakfast and we sit down to eat. We decided to go down to a bar a few blocks away. After we eat, I take a shower and get ready to go. 

We get down to the lobby and run into Steve. We told him that we were going to the bar down the street. 

"Ok just don't drive to Germany," he says in total serious. After we promise not to while trying to hold in our laughs we leave the lobby. 

We get to the bar and order some drinks. Ashton sees the pool table in the corner and tries convincing me to play.

"Come on Brooke it'll be fun. PLEASE," he begs. He is so cute when he begs he looks like a little kid. I eventually give in making a huge smile from on his beautiful face. "Alright rack'em up love."

I walk over and place the balls into the triangle, moving it to get them tightly packed together before removing the triangle. He takes a pool stick and breaks. A solid ball went in and he shot another one in. Looks like I'm stripes. He misses the next ball so it becomes my turn.

"Don't judge me I haven't played in a while," I say receiving a nod from him in return. I shoot one of the stripe balls and it hits another striped one making it in. 

"Nice combination."


Before my turn is over, I make in 3 more balls. "I thought you said you couldn't play," he questions. "I haven't played in a while, but I used to play with my dad back home."

The game goes on for a little while longer. Ashton made in 3 more balls while I won the game. We played pool for the next 6 hours until we decided to find something to eat because the food at the bar didn't sound good. We walk 2 blocks until we get to an Italian restaurant. An Italian restaurant in Austria. We sit down at a table and look at the menus deciding what to order. 

"You are a really good pool player," he says still looking at his menu.

"Thanks, not to bad yourself," I respond.

The waiter comes to the table to take our orders. We both ordered the spaghetti dinner. After we ate we went back to the bar for a few more hours. Ashton won one game of pool and I beat him 3 more times. 

We were heading back to the hotel, well more like stumbling. Ashton led me up to his room to sleep. We laid down.

"This was an amazing time. I can't wait to go to Germany so Buke can be over and we can announce us to the world." I say as I fall asleep with my head nestled into his chest.


My beautiful girlfriend fell asleep nestled into my chest. She is absolutely amazing. The entire trip has been so amazing, I don't want to leave it. I mean we will still be together in Germany but it won't be just us the others will be there too. I couldn't sleep so I just sat there admiring Brooke's beauty. 

All of a sudden I hear my phone beep. It was Calum and Michael telling me congrats. I tell them thank you. They asked what we were doing to which I sent them a picture of Brooke sleeping with her head on my chest. I talk to them for a few more minutes. 

I get another text but it's from an unknown number. It said that I was making a big mistake getting together with Brooke. The text also said she was lying when she said she liked me. I responded back how they knew. They sent back some of the pictures of her and Luke with the caption 'she wouldn't look at just anyone like that would she?' 

I could not believe what i just saw. Brooke lied to me. She doesn't like me at all. She was just using me for popularity. Everything that has happened over the last few days: we kissed several times, went out for dinner, played pool, talked about our families, and even had sex was all a lie. 

I felt so confused but also disgusted all I could think to do was leave. So that's what I did.

Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. Let me know who you think this person is and what Ashton is going to do. Happy 4th of July loves and as my old teacher would say at the end of lecture on Fridays 'don't do anything to stupid'

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Love love Brooke

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