Chapter 8- False accusations

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I walk into the bar and immediately regret it. When I walk in I am faced with memories of Brooke and I here just a few short hours ago. Of course that was when everything was perfect. I had an amazing girlfriend who I thought liked me, but I guess not. The worst part is I still like her, so much, that I just want to forget about the person's text but I can't get it out of my head. They were right. 

I head to the bar and order myself a bunch of drinks and sit down. After about an hour of drinking, I hear something behind me. I turn around and am met with a women wearing a very showing outfit.

"May I help you," I politely ask.

"Um yeah you can," she smirks at me. This is not going to end well.

"I was just thinking you seemed sad and lonely so I thought I could, you know, give you some company," she replied leaving a bad feeling in my stomach.

"Actually I was just getting ready to go so I'm fine. That person over there seems like they could use some company," I point to someone on the other side of the bar. She doesn't look at them but instead she presses her body up against mine.

"You don't want me to make you feel better," she pouts.

"I don't mean to be rude but no."


I turn to see who called me and I am met with a crying Brooke. I go to say something and she storms off. I go after her trying to fix this. 


I wake up because I had to use the bathroom. Then I notice that Ashton wasn't there anymore. Where did he go? I get some shoes on and head out of the hotel room. I try calling him but he doesn't answer. I check his Twitter and he posted something about being at a bar about 20 minutes ago. Why is he at a bar alone? I walk down there to see what was going on.

I get there and a man tried hitting on me but I just walked away from it. I head up to the bar and see a woman who was barely wearing anything pressed up to my boyfriend. I can not believe this is happening. He comes down here every night when I am asleep? The man I gave myself to a few days ago. I feel like I'm going to be sick. 

I just start crying because that was the first thing I thought I could do. I call out his name and he turns to me. I couldn't even bear to look at him so I turned and walked off. Of course he follows me. 

"Brooke wait," "no I don't want to talk to you, is this what you do every night we have been together so you can mess around with some slut even after I gave myself to you," I turn to face him.

 He goes to speak but I will not allow it until I'm finished, "was I really that bad to where you decided to just pay for someone to have fun with." 

"No you were amazing-"

"THEN WHAT IS THE REASON THEN!!" at this point I am screaming at the top of my lungs while standing on a sidewalk but I don't care. 

"Why would you do this to me after everything that happened," my voice becomes barely a whisper.

"First off why don't you tell me what you really think of Luke" he emphasizes the really.

"What does Luke have to do with you going down to a bar and hooking up with some woman?"

"Just answer the question," he slams back at me.

"Well I think Luke is a great person and a great friend," I answer.

"That's all you think of him?" "yes now answer my questions" 

"Ok, well I came down her because I was upset right, I had gotten a text from an unknown number saying that you like Luke. After that I was questioning everything about us. I came down here to get a little drunk and the woman came onto me. And no I haven't been coming down here every night because yes you were amazing." he explains but I still don't know what to think.

"Why should I believe you," I ask, my voice barely audible. 

"Do you want to know why you should believe me," he steps closer grabbing my hand, "because I care about you so much and I would never do anything to hurt you. You should believe me when I tell you I love you. I have ever since you came on tour, I just never told you because I thought that would push you away."

Those three words. 

The three words that I have been dreaming of when someone would say them to me.

He looks at me with those angelic eyes that are starting to fill with tears. I honestly don't know what to say except...

"I love you too," as soon as those words leave my lips he immediately smiles and pulls me into a hug. 

He pressed his lips against mine with so much passion that I couldn't help but smile. After a few moments the woman that was pressed up against Ashton walked out with the guy that was hitting on me. "You really turned down an amazing offer," she said to him. 

"That's ok, I don't need it anyway," and with that he kissed me again. 

We head back to the hotel because we had to leave in a few hours. "See I told you she came onto me" "alright I believe you." I wrap my arms around his waist as he kisses my forehead. "Do you want to have some fun before we leave," he asks giving me a smirk. For the next hour we were having fun. It wasn't as painful as the first time making it more pleasurable. After that, I go to my room and pack my stuff up. 

I walk back into the room and ask him who was the person that had texted him saying that I liked Luke. He handed me his phone and I read the texts. I understand why he was upset because if I was him I would believe what they were saying, it was pretty convincing. I look at the number and immediately my jaw dropped.

"Who is it," he asked, concerned.

Nothing comes out of my mouth, I'm to shocked. I can not believe they would do this to me. My eyes started filling up with tears. Ashton gives me a hug and asked again if I knew who it was.

"Yeah it's..."

Hey hope everyone enjoys the chapter and sorry for such a cliffhanger I should have another part posted hopefully tomorrow. Let me know who you think the unknown number is!

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