The one with the party in Paris

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We spent the next few hours having sex. After that, we slept for about 3 hours before packing up, getting breakfast, and getting on the plane. I've been on tour for about 2 and a half weeks and I'm already tired of this day to day routine. 

We arrive in France about an hour later. Steve tells us that the boys had a concert that night and then we had tomorrow off.

"Just don't leave the country this time," he begs us before handing us our room keys. 

Everyone goes to their rooms to get some sleep before the concert. 7ish hours later everyone had woken up and was heading to the venue. While the boys were getting changed I was helping in every way I could. 3 hours later the boys walked off the stage signaling that the concert was over. Michael had ordered Panda Express for everyone.

After that, Calum suggested going to a bar that was down the street. We spent the next few hours at the bar getting drunk and me beating the others at pool. 

I'm not going to lie I'm super excited. Why? Because tomorrow is my birthday and I can't believe I get to celebrate in Paris. 

We get back to our hotel rooms and crash. The next morning I wake up to Luke and Michael in Ashton and I's hotel room. They were eating pancakes and eggs while Ashton was cooking them (the pancakes and eggs, not Luke and Michael.)

"Morning Brooke" Michael greets me. Ashton and Luke turned to me and said hi. 

"Hungry love" Ashton asks. I shake my head yes and grab a plate and food.

"Where's Calum" I question. "Sleeping" Luke replies. I sit down and start eating. After a while Calum walked into the kitchen and got some pancakes. 

After I finished eating I went and took a shower. When I came out the boys were deciding what to do. They finally came up with going to see a movie that Michael had been dying to see. A few minutes later they left.

Did they forget it was my birthday?

I did tell them last week my birthday was today. I can not believe they forgot. I decide to just stay in the hotel room all day.

After a few hours I fell asleep. I wake up when I hear my phone going off. Ashton was calling me. I hope everything's all right, if they were watching just one movie and coming back they should be back by now since its already starting to get dark. 

I answer and he says to meet him and the boys behind the Eiffel tower. He doesn't give me a chance to question before he hangs up. I pull up directions of how to get there, get on some shoes and head out. 

I get there and see Michael. I walk up to him to ask what was going on but before I could he told me to stay quiet and grabs my hand before leading me up the staircase. 

We get halfway up and see Calum. Calum takes my hand and leads me up more with Michael following behind us. 

A few moments later we run into Luke who has a blindfold in his hand. He tells me to remain quiet before putting it on my eyes. Calum leads me up more. I could tell Luke and Michael were following because of the noise the staircase was making.

I feel like they are trying to kill me. I'm so scared and freaked out. 

Before I know it, I hear a door open and Calum leads me through it. Calum let's go of my hand and someone takes the blindfold off. I look at the sight in front of me and immediately my jaw dropped.

I was standing on the flat middle part of the Eiffel tower that was all decorated up. In the middle of the room Ashton was standing there with a big smile on his face. 

He walks up to me and says, "happy 19th birthday sweetheart."

I could not believe he remembered. I gave him a huge hug. "You guys did this all for me?"

The boys all nodded and wished me happy birthday. After that we ate, opened presents, and had cake. Apparently they planned on 'going to a movie' but in reality they came here to set this all up, explains why I wasn't invited to the movie even though I don't care if they do things without me. I must say this is the sweetest thing ever.

We all talked for a little while before Michael insisted on 'give Ashton and I some alone time' so they left. 

Ashton and I were sitting at a table talking about nothing and everything. 

"Um there was a present that I got for you that I wanted to wait until we were alone."

That sentence kinda scared me. He wanted to wait until after the boys left, we are in a very romantic place, and he looks very nervous. Is he going to propose to me or something? 

No he can't be, we've only known each other for a few weeks. Oh my god is he proposing to me? What would I even say? I mean I do love him and would love to be his wife but it's happening a little fast.

My heart is beating so fast in anticipation. I don't know what I'm going to do if he proposes. My heart stops when he hands me the present...

A small square ring box

A/n let me know what you think!! Do you think Ashton is proposing to Brooke??

Anyway sorry for not posting in a while I kinda lost interest in this book and when I tried to write I ended up writing a paragraph. Just some writers block thats all. 

I would like to wish a happy belated birthday to Luke Hemmings. 

So to make the story more interesting, next chapter I'm gonna finish where I left off with the cliffhanger (sorry ig 😏) and then I'm going to fast forward to after the first half of the tour to their break. Hopefully that will make the story more interesting and easier to write. 

Sorry again for not updating in a while but thank you for reading. I hope this book is relatively interesting even though I don't think it is when I'm writing it. I'm also sorry it's short and most of the words are just me talking at the end.

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Love love Brooke

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