Chapter 9- the one with a theme park

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So I was writing and all of a sudden I got the idea to do chapter titles like Friends episode names. also brace yourselves!!

"He's a lot older than you"

Those words kept playing in your head as you look at the number. "Who is it," Ashton kept questioning me when I don't give him an answer. 

"I-I'ts McKenzie"

We both stand there in silence for the longest time. "Why would she do that" he questions. "Only one way to find out" I respond pressing the call button.


"Hey sis how's it going," I ask her in the fakest voice ever. 

"Omg hey Brooke how's touring going," she returns the fake voice. I was about to say something when she cut me off.

"Or should I say how is slutting around going" I can not believe she had the nerve to say such a thing.

"I am not a slut," I say with every ounce of strength I had left. What happened to my loving sister. The McKenzie I know would never say anything like that. 

"Really because first off you are attracted to a guy who's 11 years older than you, you date his best friend and now your with him. In what way are you not a slut" she slams back at me. I can't hold back the tears anymore so they cascade down my cheeks. 

"Why would you send him those messages though," I ask trying not to fall apart. 

"How do you think I feel, my little sister dating a guy that is older than me. He's 6 years older than me while your a little over 5 years younger than me."

"That is such a bad thing to do McKenzie."

"Jealousy can make people do some very bad things," and with that she hung up. 

I am full-blown crying as Ashton hold me in a hug. My tears getting his shirt all wet but he doesn't care. All he cares about is helping me feel better, and that is something I love about him.

We get on the plane and head to Germany. The entire flight I was asleep with Ashton next to me. I wouldn't want it any other way. We arrive in Germany and the boys picked us up at the airport. 

"Hello how's the happy couple," Calum asked us with the biggest grin on his face. "Tired" I respond making everyone laugh a little. "Did Ashton keep you up all night" Michael asks from the drivers seat. "First of all no and second of all it's a long story that I'm to tired to talk about right now."

"I guess that's fair" Luke says sitting in the passengers seat. Michael is driving, Luke is sitting shotgun, Calum and Ashton are sitting next to me while I'm squished in the back. 

I guess I was really tired because the next thing I knew we were in front of the hotel with Luke, Michael and Calum standing in the door with Ashton smiling down at me. "Morning love" he says. "I guess she was tired, she fell asleep next to Ashton while we jam out to our new album," Calum responds. 

I wake myself up more and get out of the car. We meet Steve in the lobby and he gives us our room keys. Luke pulled me aside and said that if we wanted to we could say the relationship was fake and announce Ashton and I. I agreed with that because it would be a lot easier than having a big breakup and either wait to announce Ashton and I's relationship or have me called a slut. 

I get up to my room to see Ashton standing outside with his suitcase. 

"The boys kicked me out of our room and told me to stay with you."

I let him in and start unpacking some of my stuff. Steve said we were going to be here for the night before heading to the Netherlands tomorrow morning. The boys didn't have their concert for another 9 hours. I send Ashton next door to see what everyone else had planned. He came back and said they knew this amazing theme park 10 minutes away. If we went we should have plenty of time to get back before the concert.

In about 10 minutes we are walking out of the lobby to go to the theme park. I'm not a huge fan of rollercoasters but I still wanted to come and hang with the boys. They did convince me to ride some but most of the time I was waiting for them at the end of the ride. After a few hours we decide to head back so they can get ready. 

We get back just in time for them to head down to the venue. Of course, I help them get ready. They were just getting ready to go on when Ashton walked up to me and asked for a good luck kiss. I laugh a little at his dorkiness and press my lips to his. They went out there and had an amazing concert. Everyone went straight to bed after that. 

Ashton and I fell asleep watching Family Guy, his favorite tv show. I get up at 4 the next morning to pack my stuff up to get on the plane in an hour. Ashton was still sound asleep and I didn't know whether to wake him or let him sleep. I decide to let him sleep but I pack his stuff up so when he wakes up he just has to go to the airport. 

20 minutes later, Ashton wakes up and helps me pack up the rest of his things before we head down to the breakfast center. As we walk out the hotel room door, the other boys were walking out of their room. 

We all eat breakfast and get ready to go to the airport. In a matter of hours we land in the Netherlands. I was tired and wanted to sleep on the plane, but it was hard because I was sitting between Ashton and Michael and Michael insisted on telling me all about the fun they had on Germany the entire plane ride to the Netherlands. Apparently they went to the theme park, went to bars every night, went shopping and got a bunch of souvenirs for Ashton and I, and went sightseeing also. It honestly sounded like a blast.

We land, get off the plane and go to the hotel. I was so tired that I could barely walk. As soon as Ashton and I got to our room, the boys kicked him out again, I went right for the bed. After a few minutes I was sound asleep. 


I get into the bedroom part of the hotel room to see what Brooke wanted to do. I smile to myself seeing that she is sound asleep on the bed. I walk up to her and give her a kiss on the forehead. Calum comes in wondering what we were going to do, and then he sees Brooke and chuckles. 

"Hey Ash I came in to ask what do you want to do but you seem busy. Unless you want to let her sleep and have some fun with us," he whispers tip-toeing over to me.

"Um sure I don't think she would mind. I'll just leave her a note once we figure out what we were doing." I say heading out the door to the other room with Calum. 

Hello I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. So McKenzie is jealous of Brooke and Ashton. Let me know what you think about that!

I'm a little sad for the stupidest reason ever. If you don't want to hear it then don't read it but I saw Ashton Irwin's instagram post for sometime in February, that he did with his girlfriend. They look so happy, well at least he did. I want him to be happy but seeing that makes me sad, so it was a little hard updating but here it is as promised. I also figured out that Harry is like 1 and a half years older than me so there is another reason why Ashton and I would never happen because I really don't think he would be comfortable dating someone who is younger than his brother who is a lot younger than him. 

Thank you for listening to my rant if you did and if you didn't still thank you for reading my book.

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