The one with the ring and return home

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A small square ring box

"Open it," he says smiling at me. I slowly open the box and inside was a beautiful sapphire ring. 

"Wow this is so beautiful," "it was my grandmother's and her birthday would have been today too. She died ten years ago and she gave me that and told me to give it to someone special." 

"So you are giving me the ring because I'm special."

"Yes you are very special to me," he says. He notices the confusion and worry on my face. He looks around until he understood what I was thinking. 

"Oh did you think I was going to propose to you," he questions while I slowly nod. "Um don't take this the wrong way I mean I love you and would love to marry you but I think that it's a little early you know."

"I agree 100%"

We spend the rest of the night talking before heading back to the hotel room. 

TIME SKIP TO BREAK (about 9 months)

The tour is halfway over and after this we head to the U.S. Ashton and I decided to stay in Michigan so he and the others can meet my parents. To say I'm nervous is an understatement. I'm 19 and Ashton is about to turn 31. 

I still don't know how McKenzie feels about all of this. I haven't talked to her since she called me a slut about 10 months ago. 

I do talk to Miranda a lot though and I'm glad. She has been absolutely amazing I don't know what changed but I like the new Miranda. 

We all get off the plane in Detroit and get a rental car. 

In about 10 minutes we reach my house. I miss the house. I haven't seen it in almost a year. We walk up the steps and are greeted my mom, dad, and Miranda. Ashton walked up behind me as I gave my family hugs. He greets himself to my parents and to say they are thrilled about our relationship is a total lie. They hate the fact that I like older men. 

However they put on fake smiles and greeted him. It makes me happy knowing that even though they may not like this situation but they still love me and support the things I love. Everyone walked inside and my parents showed us where everyone was sleeping. They put Michael and Calum in one guest room and Luke and Ashton in another. The boys fought over which bed they got because each room has two beds. I peacefully went to my room and unpacked my stuff.

"Hey bitch"

I sigh knowing exactly who it was.

"Hi McKenzie," I say without turning around. She walked over and sat on the bed in front of me. She had a bottle of tequila in her hand. 

"Have you been drinking" 

"What does it look like" she says taking a big drink of tequila. 

"I thought you stopped drinking" I question. Miranda told me that McKenzie has been drinking hard the past few months until she forced her to go to AA. She had gotten a few months sober and she just threw it down the drain. 

I got up and left the room seeing as though she wouldn't and I don't want to deal with her right now.

"Hey sis have you seen McKenzie" Miranda asks me. I sigh and point to my room. She takes one look at McKenzie and immediately tries taking the bottle away and knocking some sense into her. 

I decide that I am not ready for this drama so I go into the kitchen and see Ashton.

"Hey love," he says wrapping me into a hug and kissing me. 

"Excuse me" we hear a voice say from next to us. I look over and see my dad with his hands folded across his chest. Ashton goes to say something when we hear the sound of a bottle crash. My eyes widen when I realize where the sound was coming from.

My room

Hope everyone enjoyed sorry again for a long update for a short chapter. Hopefully I can have another chapter posted soon. 

Let me know what you think about all of this. What do you think happened in the bedroom?

Thank you for reading!!

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