The one with the date

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Miranda's pov

After the surprise party I went to my room. Brooke helped me pick out an outfit for me to wear. 

After I was ready Luke and I left. This is such a dream come true. I never told anyone this but I love their music. McKenzie used to play it all the time and I acted like I didn't care, but I grew to love them. And Luke was always my favorite. 

He brought me to this cute little white gazebo. It had a big garden around part of it and on the other side there was a pond with a small fountain in the middle. This was truly breathtaking. 

"Where did you find this place?" I ask.

"Google maps."

He grabbed a picnic basket and started unpacking. After we ate we talked for what felt like forever. 

Then everything was silent. He started to lean in as did I. Our lips touched and a burst of energy ran through me. The kiss soon deepened. 

We eventually pulled away to catch our breath. I was getting tired and suggested we head back. In a half hour we get back.

"Goodnight Miranda" Luke said pulling me in for a hug. 

"Goodnight Luke, thank you for the amazing night."

"It was amazing we should do it again sometime."


I leaned up and we kissed. After that, I went to bed.

What a great day.

Brooke's pov

I wake up to the sound of someone calling my name from the kitchen. 

It was Miranda.

I hurry up and find her in the kitchen making coffee. She had the biggest smile on her face. I asked her how the date went, and she spent the next half hour going on and on about how amazing it was. By then, people started coming in to get their share of coffee. I looked at the clock and it was 10am. 

I started making eggs, toast, and bacon. About 10 minutes after the bacon was done cooking it was gone because the boys were eating it. So much for that. 

Ashton walked up to me, "We need to talk"

This will most likely not end well.

We walk into my room and I brace myself for anything.

"Um I got a call from Steve earlier this morning and they moved the date up for the first concert back. It was supposed to be in a week but we need to leave for Chicago tomorrow."



"Yeah I need a break from my parents and McKenzie so why not?"

"I do have some good news. Luke was going to ask Miranda if she wanted to come."


After that we walked out and saw that everyone had already eaten all the food. Why am I surprised? Ashton and I laughed and I went to make us some breakfast. 

*Skip forward to next morning*

Miranda and I were in the kitchen making breakfast and yelling at the boys to finish packing. Luke asked Miranda last night if she wanted to come and she said yes. I finally get to spend time with my favorite sister without having to be around my toxic family. 

Calum was the first one packed, then Ashton, Luke and finally Michael. We left for the airport to get on a plane for Chicago. This part of the tour is North America and Australia. And afterwards, I am moving in with Ashton! 

I fall asleep on the plane because I didn't sleep well last night. I was so nervous about leaving again. 

In an hour we land in Chicago. We unpack our stuff and relax before the boys' show in a few hours. 

Everyone came into Ashton and I's room to watch a movie. After 20 minutes of deciding on a movie, we go with one of my favorite movies, Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. 

After the movie was over the boys had to go and get ready. They had an amazing performance. Miranda and I were hanging out backstage eating a pizza that Michael ordered. Of course we saved him some. 

The concert finishes and we all head back to the hotel and get ready for the same thing tomorrow. 

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