Chapter 8: New Worlds, New Threats, and New Friends

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At a secret Military base in the desert, one of the radars started to pick up inter-dimensional readings. "Uh, Sarge? You might want to come look at this." said a guy at the radar. "What, what? What do you want, lieutenant? I was in the middle of yelling at one of our war chefs." said Sergeant Shades. Sergeant Shades was part of a secret project related to parallel universes, which soon went rouge, but that's another story for now. "But sir. I'm getting some readings at the location 'Lake Michigan'." said the lieutenant. "Lake Michigan, eh? Well, send a team to it! STEP ON IT!" yelled the rouge sergeant. "WHO'S WATCHING TV?! GET BACK TO WORK!!" The lieutenant reluctantly pressed a button which summoned a team to the lake. Sounds like Shadow Freddy isn't the only threat.

Freddy gasped for air while struggling to stay afloat. He crawled to the surface, coughing up water. "What kind of landing was that?!" coughed the confused bear. "We landed in Lake Michigan. This happens sometimes." explained Daniel. The rest of the gang crawled to the beach, coughing. "Look, Mr. Know-it-all. I don't know what is going on here but look at us! We're not safe back home anymore. That demon has my building in captivity! We need help, stat!" Freddy angrily said. "Now we ar- huh?!" Dozens of military vehicles drove to the lake, surrounding the group. "THIS IS THE MILITARY! WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!" yelled a guy on the megaphone. "Great! Now, we have the military as a threat to us! Just great!" Freddy said, sarcastically. "Lights out, people." said the insane sergeant. He blasted a sleeping gas at the gang, making them feel woozy. "Good God, this smells baaaaaa..." Bonnie said, while falling. Soon, the rest of the gang had been knocked out by the gas. "Bring them to the base, I want answers from them." commanded Shades. They brought the robots to a police truck and drove them away. "Nice work, Daniel. You really brought them in." Shades congratulated. "No problem, sir. Not at all." Daniel replied.

Freddy snapped awake, tied up to a chair in an interrogation room. "Hey! Where am I?! Why am I tied up?! Hello?!" Freddy yelled for an answer, but no response. Then, a door opened and Daniel came out and sat in the second chair, facing Freddy. "Wha-what is.." Freddy stammered. "Alright, bear. I have a few questions for you." Daniel said. "This rope is making me uncomfortable, can't you untie me-" Freddy asked before being interrupted by Daniel punching his face. "I ASK THE QUESTIONS, NOT YOU!" Daniel yelled. "WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?! HIM?!" "Him? Who's him?" Freddy asked before being punched again. "Look man, I don't know what you are talking about, but I don't know who 'him' is and I know nothing about what you are asking me." Daniel was about to ask another question until the ceiling blew up. A rope fell out of the hole and a stickman with brown shoes slid down, with the rest of the gang, bruised up. "Who are you?" Freddy questioned. The stickman said nothing and sliced the ropes tied around the bear and dragged him to the rope, leading them to a green government helicopter, being driven by another stickman with red earphones with a mic. "Hey Henry! You got the last one! I knew my plan was the greatest!" the overjoyed stickman said. " 'Henry?' That's your name?" Freddy asked. Henry nodded and dragged the gang into the helicopter and closed the door.

Meanwhile, at the command center...

"Sir, we had a bit of a problem." one of the soldiers alerted. "What problem are you talking about?" Shades asked. "Uhh. Heh heh.. you see, uhh." The soldier nervously answered. "We like, lost the captives to, please don't get mad but, him, sir." "WHAT?! YOU HAD ONE DAMN JOB AND YOU BLEW IT!!" Shades screamed. "SEND OUR DEFENSES AND TAKE DOWN THE HELI, OR I WILL IMPALE YOUR EYE!!" The scared soldier ran to the comm and alerted the defenses. "Intruder alert! We have a breakout in progress! One green helicopter carrying five animatronics, and two stickmen. Lethal fire is instructed!" The defenses ran to their positions and started shooting at the helicopter. "Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod!!" Freddy quickly screamed. Then, somehow an explosion happened, launching the guards at walls. " What the hell was that?" Foxy asked. Then, a dozen more helicopters were seen, fighting the rouge military organization. "All right, General!" The pilot cheered. The helicopter flew away from the chaos, saving the gang.

Meanwhile, at the Center for Chaos Containment...

A stickman wearing a blue hat, was spectating the battle unfold with one of the members bashing through the door. "WILSON! We gotta stop this!! We can't let this continue!" the employee panicked. "Go, get everything ready. I'm gonna launch the Prototype." Wilson replied. He picked up the disc that read "Prototype" and put it in the disc reader. Then, a team of Prototypes joined the conflict and started to fight alongside the Government. The battle lasted for a whole six days before the rouges retreated from heavy losses. The helicopter carrying the gang was flying towards another portal, launching them to who-knows-where.
During the ride, Mangle started to feel a pain on her forehead and pictures flashed before her eyes. A picture of the stickman fighting a Shadow the size of a Titan, a picture of Freddy struggling to fight Fredbear, and a picture of Shadow Freddy awakening. "Mangle?" Mangle turned around, just in time to see Foxy. "Are you okay?" Foxy asked, checking if she was alright. "Yeah. I-I'm fine." Mangle replied. "I believe we haven't met! Name's Charles Calvin! Expert helicopter pilot of the government! Pleasure to meet you! I believe we are going to have a great time, knowing each other!" The pilot introduced. "Yeah. Wait. Who's flying the copter?" Mangle asked before the helicopter started to go unstable, and went though the portal and crashed into the top of an office building, "Ugh. 'Expert pilot' aren't you?" Freddy rudely said. "Where are we, anyways?" Then, the group crawled out of the damaged helicopter, just in time to see, what appears to be, Tokyo, only 2D. "TOKYO?! WHAT?!" Chica screamed excited. " I ALWAYS WANTED TO TO JAPAN!" "Uhh guys? Check out the people." Charles called. Then, they saw that all the citizens are animals. "Uh, have we gone crazy now?" Bonnie asked, slapping himself. "Don't worry! I have binoculars for a better view! Wow, that red panda looks like he's in a hurry." Charles viewed. "Red panda? Gimme that!" Freddy snatched the binoculars and gave a view for himself. "That's no 'him'! That's a 'she'!" Freddy corrected. "How do you know that?" Charles asked. "According to my knowledge of 2D animating, how I can tell whenever a person's a 'he' or a 'she', the animator draws eyelashes on the eyes, making the person a she." Freddy gave his knowledge. "I KNOW 2D ANIMATING, DUMBASS! I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING KNOWLEDGE!" yelled a helmet-wearing man with suction cups. "Oh! I forgot! Robots, this is Ben." Charles introduced. "IT'S SUCTION CUP MAN, JACKASS!" the angry man corrected. "Right. Anyways, he's here as an intern because the general thought I needed a partner so, here he is!" Charles explained. "SO THAT'S WHY THOSE ASS-WAGONS KIDNAPPED ME?! TO HELP A HELI-FUCKING-FLYING DUMBASS?! ALL I DO IS CLIMB FUCKING TOWERS WITH SUCTION CUPS!" "Come on, let's explore this place for more help." Freddy told while walking to the exit. "YOU USE YOUR GODDAMN USELESS FUCKING STAIRS, I'M SUCTION CUPPING MY WAY DOWN!" Suction Cup Man yelled.

Thats it for Chapter Eight! Oh my god, this took me too long for it. I'm sorry for not posting much more earlier, I was struggling with my life. Anyways, the story is not over yet!
If you want to subscribe to Tony Crynight, go do that! If you also want to watch his animations, you can go to his YouTube! Anyways, see ya later! -FreddyMan2020

Credit to: PuffballsUnited and Piemations for the original characters.

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