Chapter 12: The War Begins

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The helicopters engaged on the rouges by firing at them, missing. The rouges fired back as a response, and the Shadow Wings charged at the other helicopter, taking it down. "We won't end up like them, right?" Bonnie asked, worried. The helicopter then shook as five Wings landed on the helicopter and started to eat the metal. Freddy brought out an AK-47 and shot the Wings off. "Ok, I'm keeping this." Freddy said. "We need to get to that castle!" Mangle yelled. "But it's guarded by loads of these things! How will we get through?" Chica asked. "Where were you during the last few chapters?" Freddy questioned. "I was taking a really long nap." Chica replied. "LEAVE IT TO ME, ASSWAGONS!" Suction Cup Man yelled. He then leaped off the helicopter and landed on a Shadow Wing and flew it to the castle. "Wow." Henry spoke. "For a guy with suction cups, he's pretty badass." "Did you just speak?" Charles asked, surprised. Henry said nothing. "Never mind that!" Foxy spoke. "We hope he has a plan."

Shadow Freddy was reading "How to be extremely evil" on his throne until he heard suction cups. He ran to the window and saw Suction Cup Man climbing his castle. "HEY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" The king yelled. " I'M CLIMBING YOUR CASTLE WITH SUCTION CUPS, YOU GRAPE-ASS BITCH! WHAT DO YOU THINK?!" Suction Cup Man responded. "FIRST OF ALL, I AM NOT A GRAPE! AND SECOND, WHY MY CASTLE?!" Shadow Freddy replied. "WHY NOT YOUR CASTLE?!" "YOU ARE DISTACTING ME FROM PREPARING!" "I WILL DISTRACT YOU ALL I WANT!! LOOK AT ME GOOO!" "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE TALKING TO?! I am the king of this castle, I am my subjects' God! Now you get off my tower or-" "HEY, I WROTE YOU A SONG!!" Silence filled the air. "What?" Shadow Freddy confusingly asked. "IT GOES A LITTLE SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!" Suction Cup Man strummed a few notes on his guitar. "YOU'RE A BITCH!" "THAT DOES IT!!" Shadow Freddy growled. "OH, THAT GOT YOU REAL MAD, DID IT?!" SCM yelled. Shadow Freddy's eyes started to glow red. "HEY, LOOK UP!!" Suction Cup Man pointed. The king looked up and the helicopter crashed into the roof. "BYE BYE, CASTLE DUMMY!" Mr. Suction then brought out his parachute and flew to another green helicopter.

Shadow Freddy groaned, got up and saw Freddy with his new army. "I'm surprised you made it this far." The king groaned. "But, soon all of your adventures will be for nothing." "It will not be for nothing, cause whatever happens, my friends, my family, will still be here. No matter what. You will be brought down." Mangle said. The shadow chuckled. "You think so? Cause I was just about to bring the fun part." Shadow Freddy was about to press a button until Fredbear hit him with his mallet. "You again!? I see, you are a bit mad aren't you?" Shadow Freddy coughed. Fredbear then grabbed his neck and slammed him on the wall. "You have gotten a bit tough, haven't you?" Fredbear then threw him on the ground and stompt on him. "You have something to say, don't you?" Shadow Freddy said, gasping. Fredbear struggled to say a sentence. "I-I...I don't deal with demons." Fredbear spoke. Fredbear threw a fist and Shadow Freddy teleported. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" Fredbear yelled. Shadow Freddy teleported behind him, snatched his mallet and slammed it on his head. "F-Fredbear?! You...actually spoke!!" Freddy surprisingly stammered. "Freddy, I just wanted to say.." Fredbear struggled. "I'm sorry for what happened, I didn't want my diner to be changed with your plans, I went a bit too far on this and just lost my way. I need you to help me! Pay back the past, and save me!" "Apology accepted, old friend." Freddy replied. Freddy then tackled his evil clone and punched him two times before he teleported again. The shadow tried to punch but Freddy grabbed his fist, pulled it and kicked his face. Shadow Freddy landed on the ground, groaning. "Well played, Freddy. But you forgot my secret weapon." "What secret weapon?" Freddy questioned. "That." The shadow pointed and an oversized Shadow Monster rose up and punched the wall, grabbing Shadow Freddy and placing him on it's head. "That's the same thing from my nightmare! A shadow, the size of a Titan! A Shadow Titan." Mangle said. "Ok, this guy is obsessed with the word 'shadow'." Bonnie replied.

Meanwhile on the ground, the multiverse was fighting the ground army. InTheShadows was offering a Shadow a tea, which it grabbed and a gun rose out of it. A Shadow Knight was standing face to face with DeathHorse from End Of The Memeverse. "HALT! FOR THE LORD COMMANDS, THAT I SHALL NOT LET ANYONE PASS THIS AREA!" The knight announced. "But, you are just a knight. I am a guy who just met with a purple bunny from Rebellion, I also taken over DerpyHorse's Memeverse. How does that make any difference?" DeathHorse replied. The knight thought for a while and then fell to the ground. A group of Shadow Knights and Monsters surrounded Obese's tank. "Oh no, sir! What will we do?! There's too many of them, we are gonna die!" Shadow Man panicked. "Be quiet, Shadow Man!" Obese replied. He then went up close to his ear. "I have a plan that will take down these guys." Obese jumped into the tank and aimed at the group and fired at them. "OH MY GOD, SIR!! How did you do that?" Shadow Man asked. Then, another Shadow Knight was rapping with a boy with a white shirt. The knight then fainted from lack of breath, giving Boyfriend the win. Another monster was walking around until a pig with a blue hat, jacket, and pants teleported with a disk. "Where did you even come fro-" the monster asked. "DON'T ASK QUESTIONS." The pig replied. He then teleported behind him, and smacked him with the disc. Another knight swung at [Reference] but teleported behind him. "Omawa mu, shinderu." [Reference] said in Japanese. "NANI?!" the knight replied. [Reference] then slapped him to the sky. "Why am I even here during such an hour?" A light blue wolf with a Italian accent, black shirt and blue jeans was walking around in confusion until a Shadow Knight landed in front of him. "Wha! Who are you?" The wolf asked. "I am a knight of my lord. And you shall die!" Then, a portal appeared and a YouTube logo with hands appeared. "What the he-" The logo then grabbed the knight, dragging him in the portal. The wolf turned around and saw a Velociraptor with a purple shirt and blue jeans with a YouTube-themed remote. "Who the heck are you?" The wolf questioned. "Call me Susan Wojicki." The raptor replied.

Back at the castle, the Titan was still attacking the gang. "This castle can't hold much longer! We gotta get out of here!" Bonnie yelled. The group ran out of the castle before it collapsed. The Titan was about to punch until a blue beam knocked Shadow Freddy off. "What was that?" The king asked. Then, stomps were heard and Gojira (Yes, I'm calling him Gojira) was shown walking towards the Titan. The true Titan roared at it with the Shadow Titan roaring back. The two engaged in combat. "Its over, Shadow Freddy! You lost." Freddy said, pointing his sword at him. The shadow teleported yet again. Freddy and the group looked around. Mangle saw Shadow Freddy teleport with a scythe and tackled him. Mangle punched him several times before the angry king pulled both her hands out, exposing her claws. "My hands!" Mangle yelled. Mangle tried to slice him but Shadow Freddy dodged, grabbed her hands, kicked her and used his telekinesis and slammed her to the ground, shattering her shell. He continued to slam her to the ground until he finished. "MANGLE!!" Foxy screamed. He ran to her and picked her up. "Are you alright? Wake up, please wake up." Foxy whimpered. Freddy and the others ran to Foxy. Shadow Freddy stood up and chuckled but felt a tear run down his cheek. He wiped it and looked at it. "Him again. Such a crybaby." The king said, insulting Mitch. "Wake up, Mangle. You're scaring me, please wake up!" Foxy tearfully called. "Please, no please, please!" Shadow Freddy then twitched and grabbed his head. "Stop it, you stupid boy! You always interfere with my head!" The shadow yelled. "Mangle, just open your eyes! Wake up! Please! I can't do this without you!" Foxy then cried, holding Mangle. Mangle then opened her eyes, still alive. "She's alive!" Freddy yelled. "Did I scare you? Did we win?" Mangle weakly asked. "You scared me a lot. But I'm glad you're alive." Foxy smiled. He then hugged her. "I don't mean to interrupt your stupid moment but I'm still standing and I will not stop until all of you are dead!" Shadow Freddy yelled. His eyes glowed red and red lightning shot out of his eyes, while he was roaring. He then jumped down. Freddy and the gang ran and saw a humongous being rise out. Shadow Freddy's appearance completely changed. He was now a dark purple demon with six arms, a green crystal on his forehead, and the hat was spewing purple gas. The monster let out a loud roar, which was heard from miles. Villagers acting as bunnies, sniffed and hopped away. "Oh." Bonnie said. "My." Foxy spoke. "God." Freddy replied. The final battle has begun.

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