Chapter 14: Finishing the War

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Mangle's eyes shot open and she found herself in a black void. "Come on, where are you?" she murmured. She ran around, only to find herself in the same spot. "Great, I'm lost." Mangle tried to hear something, anything, but nothing but wind. Mangle was about to give up until she heard distant crying. "Is that....crying?" Mangle wondered. She followed the source and found a boy chained up, who was sobbing. "Are you alright, sir?" Mangle asked the boy. "No. Stay away from me." The boy whimpered. "I won't leave you alone, I'm a friend." Mangle told.

Back at the battlefield, the army was celebrating. "Oh boi! I AM ENJOYING THIS VICTORY!!" A poorly-drawn Mickey screamed. "Aaaa-hyug!" A poorly drawn Goofy moaned. Then, rockets hit the battlefield, alerting the army. "OHHHHH NOOOOOOOOO!!" Screamed Mokey. Then, blue helicopters entered the battlefield with blue tanks falling to the ground and soldiers running. Shades snatched a megaphone and put it up to his lips. "YOU THOUGHT YOU ALREADY WON?! WELL, YOU'RE WRONG!!" screamed the mad general. "I HAVE BEEN BUSY WITH IMPROVING MY MEN, FLEET, AND TANKS! I HAVE TANKS, I HAVE SOOOOO MANY FUCKING TANKS!!! AND I HAVE ADDED ROCKETS SO I CAN BLAST YOUR FUCKING ASSES!!" "Bro, you need serious he-" said a sarcastic doctor. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, ALPHYS!!" interrupted Shades. "My name is Slade!" Slade corrected. "I SAID 'SHUT THE FUCK UP'!!" Shades interrupted again. "ATTACK!!" Commanded the general. The forces then charged at the army. "Quick! We need reinforcements, stat!" One of the soldiers yelled.

"Are you really a friend?" Mitch sniffed. "How should I trust you?" Mangle was about to speak until an arm grabbed her neck and turned her around to see the sight of Shadow Freddy. "You thought you could enter my mind to free that wimp?!" The shadow yelled. "He's useless to you, he's just a weak teenager who cries at everything. You don't need him." "You harmed too many people, you monster!" Mangle choked. "I'm not gonna let you take more lives." Mangle then kicked his arm hard, causing him to drop her. She ran to the chained man and looked for a way. "There's gotta be a way to unlock these chains!" Mangle thought. The shadow  then grabbed her head and tossed her to the floor. "Now we'll see who lives through the power of the Shadow King!" The monster yelled. The shadow then ran towards Mangle and threw his claws, while Mangle ducked. Shadow Freddy then "Kid!" Mangle yelled, reaching out to Mitch. "Don't let this monster control you! You're better than this! You can beat him!" "But I can't!" Mitch yelled. "I caused all of this. I deserve to be punished." "You did not cause this!" Mangle confronted. "This monster did! Stop blaming all of this on yourself! You're a good guy! Just find your courage and beat this fucker!" Mitch then thought hard and found out. "I'm not the monster." Mitch said. "That's it!" Mangle answered. Mitch then pulled on the chains, struggling to set himself free.

Back at the battlefield, hope was fading away. The military was a lot more challenging than Shadow Freddy's. They had more strength and strategies, taking down one by one in a single punch. "We're being totaled here! We're losing the field! Someone help us!" screamed a soldier on a phone.
A group of soldiers were shooting at Chief's shield bubble but ricocheted towards random people. "Cortana, there's too many! Send in backup, immediately!" Chief screamed. Then, the bullets stopped firing. Chief turned around and saw the soldiers lying on the ground, dead. He looked up and saw three imps with AK-47s and a silver female hellhound who was using her phone. "If anyone's gonna be shooting out at people, it's gonna be I.M.P!" Said the imp leader. "Thanks for the help." Chief said to the four. "No problem, sir!" The imp replied. Then, more portals opened up and more characters went out to join the fight. "I think we have our backup after all" Chief sighed with relief. A Toad then raised a sword and screamed "'FOR THE MOTHERLAAAAAAAANDS!" The new army then charged at the rouges. The second wave has begun.

Back at the MindSpace, Mitch then pulled on the chains but nothing. "Come on, Mitch! Break free!" He said to himself. The demon then laughed. "These chains are unbreakable to people who are afraid like you!" "'Afraid like me?'" Mitch repeated. Then, he realized. The chains and the monster were made for fear. The demon was feeding on his fear, he then decided. "Well, I have one thing to correct." Mitch said. "And what is that?" The demon said with a sussy grin. Then the chains broke free, stunning the demon. "I'm not afraid anymore." Mitch replied. Mitch then started to float with a golden glow and released a flash of golden light, temporarily blinding the demon and Mangle. When the light broke down, the demon then saw Mitch, but with a golden glow around him. The demon lunged at him but a golden beam hit him before he could lay a finger on him. "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?" The demon screamed. "YOU CANT BE BRAVE!! YOU'RE WEAK!!" "There's a lot of things that are impossible, Shadow Freddy." Mangle said. "But when our friends are with us, anything is possible." "SHUT UP!" The demon yelled. "I DIDNT ASK FOR A LESSON!!" He then punched to the ground but Mangle was saved by Mitch. "We not teaching you," Mitch answered. He then fired two beams from both his hands, shrinking the demon. "We're only destroying you." Mitch finished. The demon then shrunk to a monster the size of a toy ball but left the Mindspace before they could do any more to him.

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