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In the last chapter you have read...

"So what is up? I have not heard much." Lisa said, her furrowed eyebrows still visible through her bangs.

"I mean, Y/N told me about another of her owners. One that beat her with a wooden spoon." Rosé explained with her hands already being pressed in fists, ready to fight anyone who tries to get closer to her baby.


"Yeah, well I do not know how much left is there to reveal about her past, but it is already too much to bare. That girl has been through so much shit and she has got trust issues and all that. It is like she is an already destroyed chalk board, that needs to be repaired and cleaned for it to be again ready to get written onto." Rosé explained even deeper while putting in her feelings.

"I know Chae, do not worry too much though. It is visible that she is getting more comfortable around us. Mostly around you." Lisa smiled and caressed Rosé's cheek.

"Once she realises that we do not mean any harm to her, she will be ready to fully open up to us. Just give her some time. She will be ok." Lisa explained to Rosé, then she chugged down the whole glass of wine and Rosé followed her also chugging down about 150 mililiters of high-class wine.

But what the couple did not know was, that someone has been watching and listening to their conversation the whole time. From the small camera hidden inside the panda bear toy that Y/N received from her mommy Chae..


"I mean, you are right Lisa. Well you are always right haha." Rosé said and they both laughed the stress off and after chugging down other glass of wine, they both decided to get ready for sleep.

Both getting up and taking steps upstairs. They shared shower, put on their matching pyjamas in the color green and fell asleep.

.....Few hours after falling asleep.....


"Aaaahhh noooo!"

Rosé and Lisa woke up to frightful sounds of someone screaming. That someone being Y/N.

Lisa was the first one to get up and run towards Y/N's bedroom, Rosé followed still startled, but with a gun in her hand that she quickly picked out her nightstand.

Lisa pushed the door open, almost breaking them.

"Baby, are you alright?" Lisa asked, but did not get a response, only soft cries and hisses.

She turned on the small star light that hanged over the door frame and came closer to the bed, luckily seeing Y/N. 

Y/N looked not only startled, but as if something bad happened that not even Lisa and Rosé could think of.

Poor little Y/N was also in little space, which made the small girl even more terrified.

She was crying softly, but calmed down once Lisa got closer to her bed. Lisa took Y/N out of the bed and held her close to her chest, she brushes through Y/N's soft hair and gave tiny kisses on top of her head.

Rosé was looking at the scene from a distance, she was standing by the doorframe, breathing heavily and now holding the gun behind her back.

'I have to get bodyguards for Y/N.' Rosé thought to herself as she made her way out Y/N's room.

She paced towards her workroom and as quickly as she could she closed the door. Rosé sat down by her desk and called her assistant that is available 24/7.

After few beeps, Mrs.Kim picked up the phone.

"Yes, Mrs. Park?" Her assistant Kim said, her voice weary.

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