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In the last chapter you have read..

"Hey sweetheart look what mommy got you today. For being such a good girl all the past days."

Rosé handed the bag to Y/N, but she just stared at it, not knowing if she could take it.

"Come on sweet open it." Rosé gave her some encouraging words and Y/N's hands slowly took the bag.

She opened it up and took out the cute set of two Barbies and a panda bear.

Y/N looked up at Rosé and her eyes said everything, she was so happy.
She almost tore the box apart until..

"Hey baby let mommy help you, so that you don't rip the barbies hair off." Rosé laughed and quickly ran to her home office to get a pair of scissors.

She then carefully opened it up and gave the items to Y/N.

Y/N immediately gave the barbie with bangs to Lisa and the barbie with red hair to Rosé (good old times when Rosé's hair was red) and of course the panda bear belonged to herself.

And this is how they ended the night.
Lisa' s attempt to give bath to Y/N was a fail, but at least the had nice time playing with the dolls before all three of them going to sleep.

Of course Y/N being in the middle and the two caregivers hugging her safely around her waist.


The night went by pretty well..

Except a little accident..that made Y/N cry,but not a lot since she did not want her caregivers to wake up and shout at her. She sat on the bed,still between two caregivers and still having Rose's leg wrapped around her hips and Lisa's arms wrapped around her waist.

It felt as if they were scared she would escape. She would,maybe,if she had somewhere and someone to go to and if this place was worse than the places that traded her in the past. But it was the other way around. And as Y/N was still in the same position,crying with the feeling of something wet under her,she started to cry more.

She has started getting more clingy,more needy and that only meant one thing.

Y/N was falling in her little space.And then it started.

"Waaah! Ahhhh! Mommyyyy!" Lisa was a light-sleeper, so she was the first one to wake up.

"Hey hey baby what is up with all the crying huh?" Lisa carefully put Y/N in her lap,as carefully as possible,because Rosé was still sleeping. Lisa looked at Y/N's face,it lingered with tears, her mouth was slightly opened due to a runny nose and the sobs that came from those beautiful lips made Lisa's heart break in million pieces.

"Mommyyyy, I-I SOWWYYY!"

Rosé now woke up and even though Lisa was trying to ask Y/N what happened and calm her down,it was not working. Rosé took her step and softly touched Y/N's bum.It was wet and warm.

"Hmm,I think mommy Lisa, that our little angel had her first accident. Aww it is okay baby. Do not cry those pretty tears anymore,it is not worth it." Rosé said in the sweetest,angel-like voice that Y/N has ever heard. She actually was proud of her baby to slowly going into a full little space,after all that is what her mommies want to see. They want her to finally be comfortable.

"B-but I made a mist-take,y-you should b-be mad at m-me-."

"But we are not.Now stop crying and let me get you all clean,alright?" Lisa stopped Y/N from talking more of that nonsense,there was nothing to be mad about.

"O-oki.But m-mommy n-no looking." Y/N said in an adorable tone that made the two giggle.

"I will not, I pinky promise." and then Lisa interweaved there pinky fingers.

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