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In the last chapter you have read...

---5 minutes later---

Rosé came back with the bottle.

"Here you go sweetie,drink slowly." Rosé put the bottle nipple to her mouth and both Lisa and Rosé were holding the bottle and looking down at Y/N.

She looked so adorable, her eyes were big and shiny. This moment was another one to their collection of memories that have to be kept safe in their mind,heart and phones cause duh,they took a selfie.


After Y/N finished her bottle, she fell asleep again.

Rosé and Lisa went to the living room. Rosé got a phone call from work,that they need her to come and sign some papers.

It was hard for her to leave her two loves,but after all,she got up,got dressed in a suit that fit her perfectly,took her handbag,gave kiss to Lisa and left their mansion.

As Rosé was riding to her company, she looked at the back mirror and realised someone was watching her from the car next to her. It was a guy,kinda creepy guy with a cheeky smile and unpleasant smile. She felt like she knew him from somewhere,but could not memorize.

She shrugged it off and once the red light turned green,she stepped on the brake and rode to the company.

Once Rosé was standing at the front of her company,she took an elevator meant only for her and her only. Her office was on the top floor,so the whole way,she was looking out at the beautiful New York view,it was just about half past 7 and the Sun was slowly going to sleep.

She thought about Y/N and the story she said to her and Lisa today. It must not have been the only thing she went through and Rosé is determined to make her life better and better from now on.

She finally got to her office. Secretary Kim came in with bunch of papers and Rosé ordered her to get her a coffee.

She started going over the papers. It was mostly just non-important stuff. But after a while,when Kim came back with a cup of pure espresso,she told Rosé that the last paper is quite creepy and she should think about it,before signing it.

Rosé felt weird after mrs. Kim told her so.She packed the rest of the papers and took the elevator down.She sat in her car and while riding through streets of Ney York,she saw a nearby toy store.Her eyes lit up and she parked close and went to visit. The toy store was small and cozy.

It had a part with few tables and another part with bookshelves filled with child books.Another part had a collection of stuffed animals and the last part was other toys, displayed on very high and pastel pink shelves.

She came closer to the shelf with barbies and a specific one caught her eye. It was a barbie with red hair and pink little braids,she had purpleish mini dress on and next to her was a barbie with blonde hair and a fringe,she also had mini dress  with white sparkly glitters. She was holding a baby panda bear. It was a cute lil toy set and Rosé thought it would be perfect for Y/N,because at the mansion they did not have a lot of toys.

She took the box to the cashier. The cashier was a nice older lady,she smiled really big once she saw what Rosé bought, she was being very rigorous with the packing.She put some tissue paper in a pink bag with yellow stripes,put there a business card of the shop and then even put some stickers.

"Here you go dear lady, you have just bought a special limited edition barbie set. Please enjoy."

"Um thank you,but why is it so special?" Rosé asked,confused.

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