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Lisa cleaned her mouth with a napkin and picked her up. Y/N yawned in the arms of her mama. "Oh I think someone here needs a nap, right hmm?" Lisa smiled at the baby and took her up to the nursery.

She then laid her down on the changing matress and quickly changed her wet diapee, while Y/N hugged her favourite plushie.

Lisa then put on her pyjamas and laid half asleep Y/N in the crib. "Oki love, night night!" Lisa kissed her squishy cheeks and tucked her in and then close the curtains.

After that she went back downstairs and spent some quality time with her wife.


It didn't take long for both of the caregivers to be passed out on the couch. However in a while Rosé woke up. She did not want to interrupt Lisa, she quietly walked to the kitchen to start on dinner - broccolli and mashed potatoes. She smiled at the thought of their baby trying out new foods and seeing her reaction.

Y/N was honestly so adorable while doing anything, and Rosé's cold heart would melt each time her babygirl would come around.

While pouring some water in the pot to boil the broccolli, she heard loud bang from upstairs so she ran up with her gun behind the back of her trousers. Rosé opened the door of the nursery.

 The sight broke her heart, tiny Y/N was laying unconsious on the ground. Rosé ran to her side and broke down in tears immediately, after seeing a large blood puddle under Y/N's head.

"Love, come on, wake up love! WAKE UP" she screamed and screamed, but to no avail. Everything started blurring out and suddenly there was only black in front of her..


"Mommy, mommy!! Wake up!" Y/N screamed loudly, crying out in agony and choking on her saliva, while Lisa held her close to her chest.

Rosé woke up, seeing her poor babygirl in this state made her feel so guilty, so she immediately picked her up and cuddled her close.

"Shh love, I am here, mommy is right here, don't cry princess." Rosé whispered in Y/N's ear, while rubbing her back softly. She looked at Lisa for answers.

"You had a nightmare, you were screaming and Y/N woke up to that. I kept explaining, you were just having a bad dream, but she got so scared and needed you to wake up and because you were not waking up immediately, she started getting an anxiety attack." Lisa explained. 

She worried about her wife, they both struggled when one of them was either sad or angry or anxious and they both knew, why Rosé had a nightmare.

The Man in white was close and the couple needed to protect their sweet baby. How? Well that was the tricky part. 

They had a plan, however that plan would make Y/N traumatized and they did not want that, but it would be good to have a discussion with the big Y/N and tell her about it.

After a while, Y/N cries turned into soft sobs. She was still laying on Rosé's chest while Lisa rubbed her back. "Hey sweetie, we would like to talk to the big Y/N for a while..is that alright? Can you do that for us baby?" Lisa asked gently. 

Y/N looked up at both her mommies and nodded her head.."Hi." she said softly, still being shy while remembering everything that happened since she was last big.

"Hi Y/N," Rosé started. "So we have to be honest with you. Not like we were not until now, but this time we need to tell you something very important that might make you anxious, but do now worry darling, we have a plan." Y/N looked at Rosé. She suddenly became worried, what could be so important that her mommies looked stressed?

Lisa continued "Well I will start first. Baby you do remember the man in white?" Y/N nodded slowly, she hated those three words because of what he did to her and thousands of other girls.

"He is going after us, he faked the contract that Rosé signed and it says huh.." Lisa sighed, took a pause, but continued anyway. "It says, that if we treat you any different than a maid or a slave..he will take you back." Lisa finished. 

"And we won't let it happen. However we came with a plan on how to get rid of him for good. You could help us..but it may also mean that you will be in danger and possibly be traumatized." Rosé looked at Y/N with hope in her eyes. She would not be mad, if Y/N said no, they would have to come up with a new plan. All that mattered was her safety.

"I want to help, I don't care what comes with it, but we need to help other poor girls out there, that get sold for organs or slavery. He needs to get what he deserves." Y/N said, not a glimpse of fear in her voice.

They loved it and adored her for being so strong.

"Okay, so we know, his men always follow us and look up for any mistake we make and that is the plan, to "make" a mistake. We are gonna leave for a walk, while you will be in your room soundly napping. They will most likely come in and get you - that is the traumatizing part. You cannot turn little, like at all, but you may act like you are little to distract them. We are not gonna distance too much, probably just around the block and then hop in the car and follow them." Rosé explained.

"We will have our men all around the town and guess how we will know your location even if we lose them?" Lisa continued and smirked. She then whispered in Y/N's ear. "Panda"

Y/N's eyes lit up as she heard the word of her favourite toy. "The panda toy has a camera built in that we hacked and connected to our smartphones."

"You will be safe love, we won't ever let you go." Lisa said and the three of them cuddled close for the rest of the day. They had to be as calm as it could get as today would be the big day.


Hello lovelies, today a double update for you as the last chapter is coming very soon!!! Get ready for some more drama, it will be intense 🤫 thank you for reading!🤍

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