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In the last chapter you have read...

Rosé layed Y/N's petite body on a changing table.She then lifted the towel of hers,just enough to be able to put the diaper on.She did it rather quickly,not wanting to make her baby uncomfy.But still this action made Y/N sob softly,but still not move.

She put some baby powder,so that her baby does not get rash and then slide the diaper under her bum,lifted it and secured it with the side tapes. Then Rosé picked up the now sobbing baby and changed her in a soft pair of pyjamas.

She then lifted her again and together sat down in a rocking chair.

"Now you see baby,it was not so bad,right?"Rosé asked,hugged her and sat her down so that Y/N's back was against Rosé's chest.

Y/N just shook her head 'yes'.

"But pumpkin,tell me why were you crying?Did mommy do something bad?"Rosé's tone got lower and sweeter.She was afraid,that Y/N could possibly start hating on her,but when she again shook her head,Rosé realised there is so much more to Y/N's story.So much more,that Rosé and Lisa had yet to explore to gain her full trust and mutual love and care.


"N-no m-mommy, it is Y/N's fault, cause cause I thought about my first ow-owner an-and I thought b-bad thingy's 'bout my self." Y/N said with tears already making their way into her precious doe eyes.

"Do not say things like this babygirl! You are so precious, like a gem that has been hidden from the whole world and I never ever want you to feel less worthy because of your past!" Rosé said, her facial expressions saying it all. She wanted to know the story behind this all, but did not want to push on Y/N.

"C-can I tell y-you what hap-happen?" Y/N asked in the smallest voice that Rosé ever heard.

"Of course babygirl, mommy is waiting just for that!" Rosé assured.

"W-well before Alexander t-took me from that horrible ship, I got so-sold to a g-guy n-named Joseph. H-he was rude to me all the t-time and he c-called me n-not so pretty names." Y/N said, looking up in her big doe eyes.

"Aw babygirl, did he do something physical to you? Did he hit you baby?" Rosé was now damn mad,but tried to stay calm for Y/N.

"H-he would t-take this large wooden spoon and h-hit my b-bum, tha-thas why I was af-fraid w-when you want wanted to change m-me into a diaper.." Y/N looked down in shame.Rosé on the other hand felt disgusted towards the guy with the name of Joseph. It didn't feel like a reality, the things Y/N had to go through, it felt like hell. Raw, unedited hell.

Rosé tried her best to not cry about her little bean having to go through all that. 

"Oh sweet baby! Mommy is so so so sorry, I wish I was there to help you babygirl,but do not worry your pretty little head anymore alright?" Rosé stopped short and after few short seconds, she continued.

"Mommy Chae and mommy Lili are here now and always will be. You will never have to be alone for even a second and never ever will have to go through those horrible things again. Okay baby?" When Rosé took another pause, she in the corner of her eye saw a slim figure standing by the door frame. It was Lili.

"Just trust us baby. We both care about you." Rosé finished, with Y/N now wrapped tightly in her arms and Lisa getting closer to the duo.

Lisa started softly caressing Y/N's hair. "Right sweets, I have got no idea what this convo is about, but be sure that we will never leave you.Your mommies will never leave."

"Lili we will have to talk later but now, I think it is the perfect time to let this cutie get some sleep hmm." Rosé whispered as Y/N was already getting sleepy and even more tiny in the headspace of hers.

Rosé gently lifted Y/N bridal style and carried her to her crib. The crib that has not been used yet due to Y/N always sleeping with her mommies. Not that single one of them protested about it. Rosé just had an idea to let their baby sleep in the crib for few days, so that Y/N got more used to her new bedroom.

Once Rosé laid Y/N down, both her and Lisa took hushed steps out of the room and went down the stairs to the large kitchen.

Lisa put her palms onto Rosé's shoulders and lead the way until she made Rosé sit down by the counter on a high suede-coated chair.

Lisa then took two wine glasses and one bottle of claret. It will be needed if these two women want to get to the point. She gently slammed the bottle and glasses onto the counter.

"We need to talk Chaeyoung." Lisa indicated and opened the bottle.

"So what is up? I have not heard much." Lisa said, her furrowed eyebrows still visible through her bangs.

"I mean, Y/N told me about another of her owners. One that beat her with a wooden spoon." Rosé explained with her hands already being pressed in fists, ready to fight anyone who tries to get closer to her baby.


"Yeah, well I do not know how much left is there to reveal about her past, but it is already too much to bare. That girl has been through so much shit and she has got trust issues and all that. It is like she is an already destroyed chalk board, that needs to be repaired and cleaned for it to be again ready to get written onto." Rosé explained even deeper while putting in her feelings. 

"I know Chae, do not worry too much though. It is visible that she is getting more comfortable around us. Mostly around you." Lisa smiled and caressed Rosé's cheek.

"Once she realises that we do not mean any harm to her, she will be ready to fully open up to us. Just give her some time. She will be ok." Lisa explained to Rosé, then she chugged down the whole glass of wine and Rosé followed her also chugging down about 150 mililiters of high-class wine.

But what the couple did not know was, that someone has been watching and listening to their conversation the whole time. From the small camera hidden inside the panda bear toy that Y/N received from her mommy Chae..


A new chapter,hope you enjoyed! 🤍

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