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In the last chapter you have read..

Final touch was to give Y/N a small kiss onto her chubby cheeks and brush through Y/N's soft hair with Rosé's long fingernails.

Then Rosé went out the room.
Quietly closed the doors behind her.
And walked downstairs to their living room to talk with Lisa.

Once in the living room, Rosé felt soft energy around the room when she saw Lisa wrapped in a blanket on the couch, softly snoring.

"Lisa wake up babe."

But Lisa just turned around and snored more, like a little piggy.

"Come on, we have to talk..
About Y/N."


Finally, Lisa gave up and sat straight on the couch. She looked at Rosé for a while and then layed her head on Rosé's shoulder.

"Tell me Rosé, how did you get to her. Is it legal to have her here?'' Lisa asked in a calm voice.
Her mind was full of questions.

"Umm, well you see.. It wasn't that legal, but it was for a good reason!
Oh god, only if you saw all those girls, so skinny and pale, as if they never saw a sunlight and Y/N being one of them."

Rosé stood up from the comfortable couch and instead squated down in front of Lisa's legs. She put her head into the leg gap and just tried to relax her anger for a second.

Lisa started to scratch Rosé's back lightly and then gave her a small kiss at her nape.

"You know Lili, we are heartbroken because of our child's loss, I wanted to do something that would help both of us. I booked a ticket for this auction thing and just as I wanted to leave, Y/N came out."

"She looked so scared and tiny. All I wanted to do was squish her and put her in a onesie and make her feel loved and special."

Lisa had tears in her eyes by this sentence. Her motherly instincts were coming out from somewhere deep inside. She thought, that after losing her child, she'd never feel this way again.

"And when I "won" her, I knew she was the one. I talked to her about being our baby, but Y/N has fainted. Apparently, it was too much on her. And now she is resting."

"Chaeyoung, I actually have no words for this. I am so happy, I finally feel happy!"

"After so many painful days, I can come home and know that there is someone who I can care for, like a child and I'm so thankful for this. Thank you my love, I love you too much Rosé."

"I did it for us Lisa, to be happy and I'm glad you are happy, finally. I love you Lisa."

Lisa and Chaeyoung hugged each other tightly and felt the strong bond of their relationship coming back again.

"How about we go see Y/N? Maybe she is already up.."

"Yeah, let's go."

Then, they both got up and took quick steps up the stairs to the room of their baby.

And when Lisa slowly opened the door, she saw Y/N looking up with big doe eyes that looked so sad.

Tears were falling down Y/N's soft cheeks and Lisa's heart broke to the point where she ran to Y/N's bed, jumped down next to her and tightly wrapped her arms around Y/N.

Rosé just face palmed in her head, cause oh hell no, Y/N could have fainted again..

But, she didn't and both were surprised when Y/N returned the hug to Lisa.

"Oh my poor baby, are you alright? Have you been crying?" Lisa asks in sweet and motherly tone.

Y/N, whom face was hidden in the crook of Lisa's neck just nodded and pouted a little bit. She was scared to ask for Rosé to come and hug her as well so she just stretched her arms towards the doors, where Rosé was still standing.

"Oh, you want Chae to come and cuddle you too kitty?"

"yes" small voice was heard from Y/N and then Rosé walked close to the bed and also jumped onto another side and hugged Y/N firmly.

"Y/N," Rosé started, but made a pause to turn Y/N her way so now they were sitting against each other.

"I want to say sorry for asking you that question, it must have been too soon to ask and I'm really sorry if you felt any pressure on yourself."

Again Chaeyoung hugged Y/N tightly and whispered into her ear something that Lisa couldn't hear, but it must have been funny, because Y/N giggled a little bit and her smile was stretched almost up to her ears.

"Baby tell me, would you like to try this lifestyle that you and Chae talked about earlier? Remember if you say no, it is okay. We will still love you so much." Lisa says, her voice sweet and gentle.

"I think I c-can try.. Though at-t first I w-will feel s-shy." Y/N says and looks up at Lisa and Chae for a few seconds and then smiles.

And at that moment they knew a new life stage is about to start, but now it was different, because it was not only Chae and Lisa, but their new baby Y/N too.

That night, the three of them just cuddled on Y/N's big bed. Her being squished in the middle. Surrounded by pure love and fondness.

They watched Bambi and called Y/N cute pet names and soon after the cartoon ended, all of them fell asleep.

And usually, Y/N would get nightmares about her previous owners, but that night she dreamed of jumping on a cotton candy clouds and being hugged by two gummy bears~Chae and Lili.

Her new mommies.


Tho I'm a little bit sad that this decade ends, still I'm excited for what this year brings.

And also...
Did you guys like this chapter? I hope you did and again I wish you Happy new year!!!🥰

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