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In the last chapter you have read...

And at that moment they knew a new life stage is about to start, but now it was different, because it was not only Chae and Lisa, but their new baby Y/N too.

That night, the three of them just cuddled on Y/N's big bed. Her being squished in the middle. Surrounded by pure love and fondness.

They watched Bambi and called Y/N cute pet names and soon after the cartoon ended, all of them fell asleep.

And usually, Y/N would get nightmares about her previous owners, but that night she dreamed of jumping on a cotton candy clouds and being hugged by two gummy bears~Chae and Lili.

Her new mommies.


The next morning, YN woke up surrounded by only her plushies.

A little confused and sad,she got up with some difficulties because the king sized bed was too high for her to reach the carpeted floor with only her short legs.

Another difficulty was, when she tried to open the door,but realised it is closed.

Unfortunately,her momies were downstairs eating their breakfast and chatting about their plans for the day.

They did not realise one thing..yesterday they forgot to put the baby monitor in their room.

YN,who has already been slightly falling into her little space could not do anything else than cry softly behind the big black doors. Oh how much she wanted to scream for help, though she could not because never in her previous life chapters could she open her mouth without someone telling her to shut up.

So she stayed silent..until Chae got up to check on their baby.

"Lisa, how about we go to the park today? to breathe some fresh air."

"Hmm that is a good idea. I prepare the bags and you prepare YN."



When Rosé got up the stairs,something did not feel right.

And when she opened the doors to their shared bedroom,she felt small presure on the other side of the door.

She saw YN laying against the door,sobbing and small drops of tears were falling down her beautiful eyes.

"Oh my poor baby, what happened to you? Why are you laying on the floor? Rosé asked, worry maintaining her face. She took YN in her arms and whispered sweet nothings into her ear, then Rosé got up with YN wrapped around her like a little koala and with an ease she held her until they both layed on the king sized bed.

"Hey babygirl,are you alright? Could you tell Chae what happened?" Rosés voice was shaking and she held YN so titghtly as if never letting go of her.

"I-i wan want to go out, but the d-door was closed..so I stay he-here till you come."

"My sweet baby, Chae is so so so sorry, please do not shed more tears now,ok?" Rosé smiled at YN  and wiped away her wet eyelids.

"M-mommy kiss?" YN asked sweetly and oh if Rosés face could be captured at the moment YN called her mommy..her eyes, bright as thousand stars and the motherly warmth in her heart. 

It was a short moment that she captured forever.

Rosé put her soft pinkish lips on YNs forehead and gave her a small kiss.

"A-again please." 

and again she kissed YNs forehead and nose and both cheeks and finally gave her a small kiss on her lips too.

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