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"Mommy!" Y/N shouted again, greeting her other caregiver as well.

Rosé raised her head from the desk, where she was just looking up some info on the Man in white and smiled. "Oh is our baby back smelling all nice from the bath?" she asked as Lisa sat Y/N down on Rosé's lap, going to prepare lunch.

Y/N giggled at her words, only partially understanding what Rosé was saying. "Did you enjoy the bath babygirl?" Rosé asked, Y/N just nodded giggling and hiding her face in Rosé's neck crease.

"You are soo cute, you know?" Rosé just continued while rubbing Y/N's back up and down.

"DINNER" They heard from the kitchen and so Rosé stood up, carrying the baby and closing her laptop. She turned off the lights before heading downstairs.


"M-mama! What did you cook?!" Y/N asked excitedly as she most definitely was hungry after all the protests.

"Just tomato soup babygirl." Lisa answered as she put plates onto the table, preparing everything.

"Nu-uh.." Y/N muttered quietly. She hated tomatoes, well ketchup was different, she liked that. However tomatoes were disgusting to her.

Within and out of her head space, she quite never found herself liking any veggies.

"What was that sweetheart?" Lisa asked, confusion painted across her face. 

"Y/N h-hate t-tomato!" She expressed louder for her caregivers to hear.

Rosé, which still held her in her arms was confused too, so she asked. "Y/N, sweetie, tomatoes are really healthy..You can just try a few spoons for mommy?" 

Y/N hesitated, but nodded. Rosé sat her down gently in her high chair and Lisa put a plastic spoon and bowl with about one ladle of the soup.

"Will you eat by yourself or do you want one of us to feed you baby?" Rosé asked softly and cooed when Y/N quietly said "M-myself."

Y/N grabbed her Winnie the pooh spoon and put one scoop into her mouth but soon enough spat it out, reaching the table.

She truly did not dislike the taste, because Lisa was an amazing cook. However the fact that it was tomatoes and that she thought like a four year old made Y/N suddenly feel bratty.

Y/N unexpectedly for her mommies hit the plastic bowl that unfortunately fell from the high chair towards the marble flooring.

"Y/N! Why would you do that, what has gotten into you?!" Rosé lifted her voice as she glared at the small girl in front of them.

"I n-no eat t-this!" Y/N crossed her arms, but soon unfolded them as she was lifted by none other than her mommy.

She tried to protest, but to her faith, Rosé was much stronger. "Someone seems to be bratty these days, aren't you?" Rosé talked Y/N on the way to their shared bedroom, but Y/N was being quiet. "Why so quiet all of a sudden, hmm? Have you lost your attitude already?" Rosé asked with that stern voice of hers and turned her gaze towards the bedroom door.

She sat down on the bed with Y/N still stirring on her lap. "Now listen carefully love. Mommies have not fully punished you yet and so I think your little bratty side is taking advantage of that, aren't you hm?" Rosé asked, carefully saying each and every word for Y/N to be able to comprehend what her mommy meant.

Y/N just looked down, her mind didn't quite get it, however she knew what could possibly come out and Y/N realized she soon had to face punishment.

Her eyes got teary just thinking about it. "M-mommy I'm so-sorry, p-pwease n-no punish hicc Y/N!" She cried out loud, tears now streaming down he puffy cheeks.

Rosé's intense gaze softened immediately as she worriedly cuddled Y/N close to herself. "Aw baby girl, mommy won't punish you, alright? Maybe some day, but this was not the worst thing you could have done! Mommy just wanted to talk to you about why you don't like the soup.. please calm down baby, mommy is so sorry." Rosé whispered to her little one and as did, she reassuringly patted Y/N's back.

Y/N did calm down after few minutes. The loud sobs turned into quiet sniffles as she relaxed to her mommy's touch and soft musky scent of her perfume.

"I guess, I j-just didn't try it prop-properly.." Y/N told Rosé her reason as to why she was not keen on eating that red water.

"Mommy is very sure you like the soup baby, you like pizza right?" Resé asked the small girl in her arms. "Y-yes mommy, pizza is yummy!" Y/N exclaimed with giggles. 

"Aaand do you know what sauce is on the dough?" Rosé continued the journey of Y/N liking tomatoes. "I don't know mommy." "It's actually tomato sauce and it's made out of mashed tomatoes!" Rosé said, as if it was the most interesting thing ever and heard Y/N gasp loudly.

"Then I guess, I could try the soup again?" she asked Rosé with interest.

"Of course sweetie, let's go downstairs and heat it up again!" Rosé stood up with Y/N still in her arms and held her until she put her down in her highchair.

Lisa got the message and heated up a bit of soup, putting it in front of Y/N once again, but this time distancing, just in case the bowl was going to get thrown again.

"Rosé put a little bit on the plastic spoon. "Here you go baby, open up!" she said and Y/N did as asked, she opened her mouth and tasted the soup again. It was actually sweet and Y/N could swear it was the best soup she ever tasted (A.N.: tomato soup is the best - change my mind).

Her doe eyes lit up "Woah mommy that is so tasty! Can I get more?" and just like that Y/N finished two bowls of the yummy soup, while her caregivers were smilling at her cuteness.

Lisa cleaned her mouth with a napkin and picked her up. Y/N yawned in the arms of her mama. "Oh I think someone here needs a nap, right hmm?" Lisa smiled at the baby and took her up to the nursery. 

She then laid her down on the changing matress and quickly changed her wet diapee, while Y/N hugged her favourite plushie.

Lisa then put on her pyjamas and laid half asleep Y/N in the crib. "Oki love, night night!" Lisa kissed her squishy cheeks and tucked her in and then close the curtains.

After that she went back downstairs and spent some quality time with her wife.


Hello hello lovelies!! First of all, I am really sorry for not updating for soo long.. life just been lifeing and there had been many problems lingering this past year..however I am back and pinky promise you, I will finish this story very soon! Anyways, I truly hope you enjoyed this chapter, if so please leave a comment I can smile at :) and have a good day/night!

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