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"We will have our men all around the town and guess how we will know your location even if we lose them?" Lisa continued and smirked. She then whispered in Y/N's ear. "Panda"

Y/N's eyes lit up as she heard the word of her favourite toy. "The panda toy has a camera built in that we hacked and connected to our smartphones."

"You will be safe love, we won't ever let you go." Lisa said and the three of them cuddled close for the rest of the day. They had to be as calm as it could get as today would be the big day.


The bet was on. The time was now or never and all three of them knew it. The trio prepared everything and after a quick bath, bottle and cuddles, they all went to sleep, Y/N sleeping along with her mommies, having to be big and brave in just couple of hours.

The next day morning, it was, let's say rough..

"Y/N honey please, you remember the plan we made last night right?" Lisa asked the poor little girl in her arms, which was now sobbing, after realisation, that the plan started today.

"Mama I no wann you go." Y/N uttered in a soft voice, it was hard to know, that someone you got attached to mentally, would leave. Even for a second.

"Love, we are all going to be safe, trust me. Mommies will never ever let you go and we will go on some reallyyy nice trip after we get done there." Lisa continued, wiping away all the left tears from Y/N's cheeks.

Y/N looked up at her mama from being laid on her chest and with an excpecting gaze, she looked at her mama to continue. "We will go to disneyland baby!" Lisa got the message and had to tell her baby, what they were up to.

"Really? I have never been there!" A now excited Y/N exclaimed. Lisa's heart was skipping beats at her cuteness, but at the same time it was heartbreaking. Every child deserved to visit the world of magic, or any fun world on that case at least once in their lifetime.

However, she was glad her and Rosé would be the ones to make that memory with their sweet little girl.

"Yes love, it will be soo much fun! However now we need to get ready, alright?" Lisa hugged her tight and they both got out of bed, to prepare. In the meantime, Rosé was preparing all of her weapons and calling her people to make sure, everyone knew the exact strict plan, that they had to go by. She was one lucky CEO, as she really had privillege to one of the strongest and loyal guys in the country, some of them even from abroad.

They could have also informed police. However that was not an option for Rosé. She wanted to kill that bastard, and she knew he would have his own contacts in the police department..a lot of mafia members do and that is why Rosé does not trust most of the police officers. They get bribed pretty easily and could fuck up their plan quickly.

Also, this was men's world. Men lead the industry and Rosé was one of a kind, that built her respect up from the dirty ground.

So Rosé finished the plan, she packed up all types of weapons, tracking devices, paralyzers and other useful items. She packed them into a large picnic basket and left it by the door entrance.

When they will be leaving later, the man in white companions would see the basket and think that the pair was just going out for a nice sunday brunch. 

Rosé then prepaired the breakfast for her girls and in just a while, she greeted her wife in a warm embrace. "Good morning to you." She kissed Lisa's forehead. "Aaand to you." then did the same to Y/N.

"I prepared breakfast!" she chirped and served three plates with scrambled eggs, toast and some berries. Rosé was not hiding her happiness this morning, everything was just going as planned.

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