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Both started going through every paper, their eyebrows furrowed as the scanned every single piece not able to find anything about taking Y/N away..until.

"Rosé it's here, I found it! See it says right here that if we treat her like anything else than a maid or uhh I can not even say it.." Lisa stopped reading out loud, but they both read the next part - if they do not treat her as their maid or a sexual tool, they will pay by losing her.

"And I am pretty sure about how they know about us treating her well.." Lisa continued and Rosé just could not believe it. Was the lady in the shop an ally for the Man in white or did they see the throuple in the park or what has actually happened? She did not know, but what she knew was to keep her head cold and make plans.

"I got it." Rosé suddenly said and Lisa looked up from the pile of papers.


"The lady that I bought the play set from actually warned me the the little panda bear has a secret camera inside. Could it be that she was one of the Man in white COMPANIONS?!" Rosé continued and realised that all this was a sabotage and even though she payed a lot of money and effort to get Y/N out from the cruel man-made business, she could have lost her very easily.

"Oh yeah, I was thinking the same thing, but do not forget that we recently took Y/N to the park for a picnic, so they could had seen us there." Lisa continued.

"Sure, but why would they wait and not take her at that very own moment? Like we did not even have our safety guns or guards. " 

"Maybe that old stinky guy wants to play a little game with us."

"But he should be assured that he will lose." Rosé ended her sentence with a smirk and got closer to Lisa to give her an assuring hug.

"We will get through this baby, don't worry." Rosé whispered in Lisa's ear and they quietly continued to go though papers and their plan of revenge. 


After several hours of searching for more information and finding out nasty things about the man in white, they finally put together a plan. The man in white was actually one of the most massive traffickers in New York and he had many companions all over United States and Asia. 

He was what one could call unstoppable when it came to the rules he set. However, what he did not know was that Rosé has been in the game too. She had companions almost everywhere around USA and Lisa's parents owned several investigating centers among several Asia countries. 

They would not be called a power couple by Vogue for no reason duh.

The plan that the duo made was meant to destroy the man in white. However, they only had one chance and they knew it.

"Lili, we could go out on a dinner, it may distract Y/N and help with the stress and also decoy that fucker, huh?" Rosé exclaimed, thinking it would be the best. At this moment, they can not be sure if anyone watches them or not. Luckily they used korean, so it would be harder for anyone listening to translate.

"I mean, are you sure it is a good idea? What if it causes trauma for Y/N, I mean I would rather order a take out and call it a day." Lisa answered, she loved the ideas of the older girl, but she was not keen on exposing the baby to the world.. not now.

"I guess you are right after all Lili."

And so the duo finished planning, for now putting it aside and returning to sleep next to their baby.


Few hours later, it was already morning and none of the three could say they slept well. Y/N was constantly kicking her blanket off of herself and wiggling in her sleep, probably experiencing some unpleasant dreams. And the two caregivers had to constantly cover Y/N and cuddle her to assure her.

Well it was a hard night, to say the least.

"Good morning bub, how did you sleep?" Rosé was the first to start a discussion, patiently waiting for Y/N to fully open her orbs and answer.

"It was okay." The, now fully in adult space, girl said and quitly got off the bed, going to the bathroom.

Rosé realised Y/N got out of her headspace after a long time. Yesterday was probably very traumatizing to her.

"Hey Lisa, wake upp." Rosé nudged her lover softly. It worked, Lisa stretched out her arms with a yawn. "Huh, good morning sunshines!" She said excitingly, only then seeing only one of her sunshines was present.

"Where is my baby? Oh my god tell me she is okay!" Lisa started panicking, but Rosé calmed her down quickly, saying she went to the bathroom.

"Lili, Y/N woke up out of her headspace, which means yesterday traumatised her in some sort of way. However I do not want you to push on her and this topic, okay?" Rosé looked deeply in Lisa's eyes, signifying that it is important to give her some personal space. "Let's just give her some time out of it and be patient and tolerant. I am sure she will appreciate it." Rosé finished her monologue, but saw the hurt in Lisa's eyes. 

She knew Y/N was Lisa's baby, but make Y/N love them in and out of her headspace, they had to be tolerant.

"I know, I just hope she won't be hurting." Lisa completed their dialogue and Rosé thought of making her feel better by kissing her.

In just that moment the bathroom door opened and Y/N saw a now heated make out session of her two caregivers, mommies, lovers..ugh she was confused how to call them and her mind was foggy after spending so much time as a little kid.

The couple looked at her, but they did not know what to say. None of the phrases that Lisa or Rosé had on their minds worked out..

'Come here babygirl' sike, she is not in little space anymore. - Lisa thought to herself.

'Want to join us?' no way she would say yes - Rosé thought to herself.

'Hey Y/N we were making out here while you were gone. Because of you, we do not have time for each other, you are basically a burden.' - Thought Y/N as she silently went out of the room into her own.

"Okay, did you just see her roll her eyes at us?" Lisa asked surprised by this behaviour of someone so shy and nice.

"Let's not Lisa. Might as well give her some time alone." Rosé said, looking at the now closed door from their master bedroom.


Okay hello lovelies, after some time new chapter to fill up the story a bit more. Sooo I got the perfect plot twist and ending ready, just wanted to ask if you would like a smut in the next chapter or rather not? Please give me your opinion in the comment as I would appreciate your opinion, thank you for reading, bye bye🤍

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