Pretty Smile pt 1.

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So I'm re-watching Stranger Things currently, waiting for season 4, and I'm very in love with Steve, and I just got this idea, so here we go.

Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader

Summary: Being Suzie's older sister leads you to Hawkins, Indiana, where you meet someone who will change your life

Warnings: swearing, fluff, possible spoilers for season 3

Warnings: swearing, fluff, possible spoilers for season 3

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Y/N's pov

"Suzie! For the eighteenth time, shut up about Dustin for just a second!" I yelled at my younger sister, gripping the steering wheel of my car tightly. "Come on, Y/N!" She whined. "He's amazing!! And he's my boyfriend, so obviously, I'm not gonna stop talking about him," she continued.

I just rolled my eyes and flipped on the radio. As I realized the song coming through the machine, I turned up the volume. Blasting through the speakers of my car, was Time After Time, by Cyndi Lauper.

I turned to my younger sister and began to sing some of the lyrics at her. "If you're lost you can look and you will find me. Time after time," I sang.

Suzie just playfully rolled her eyes and continued the song. "If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting. Time after time," she sang back.

I smiled, happy she joined in. "If you're lost, you can look and you will find me. Time after time!" I exclaimed. We had the windows of my car rolled down, and there was wind whipping through our hair.

"If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting!" Suzie shouted. A huge smile spread across her face. "Time after time!!" We both belted. Every care gone, only us left in the world.

~Time Skip~

About half an hour later, we had arrived in Hawkins and Suzie had given me the name of the place we were meeting her boyfriend and his group of friends.

I pulled into the parking lot of a small video rental, seeing a bunch of 14-year-olds standing outside. Three boys, one girl, and one 19-year-old boy(with quite impeccable hair), hands on his hips, looking to be lecturing them.

If I was being honest with myself, he was quite attractive, but that was beside the point, I was here to meet Dustin.

I rolled up the windows and stepped out of the car. Suzie got out and ran over to a boy with a curly head of hair, who I could only assume was Dustin, and gave him a giant hug.

"Hey, break it up asshats!" I yelled over to them. They pulled apart and Suzie glared at me. I just stuck my tongue out at her.

I looked at the boy beside her. "You must be Dustin," I beamed. He nodded and gave me a toothy smile. I stuck out a hand. "I'm Y/N, Suzie's older sister."

He shook my hand and nodded again. "It's nice to meet you Y/N." he smiled. "This is the rest of the party," he said, gesturing to the other kids. "And that's Steve Harrington," he chimed. I nodded, sneaking a glance at Steve, to see that he was also looking at me.

I gave the young boy a small smile and turned to the party. "I'm Max," the girl spoke up first. "Nice to meet you, Max," I remarked. "Mike," a boy with dark brown hair added. "Lucas," the last boy stated. "Nice to meet you all!" I laughed lightly.

I turned to Steve. "Are you like their babysitter?" I asked him politely. A light blush dusted his cheeks and he stumbled over himself trying to respond. "No-well, I mean kinda-yeah I guess? But they can take care of themselves?" He stammered, a small smile creeping across his face.

I chuckled. "That's really cool. I bet the ladies love that," I joked, winking at him. Oh god, you did not just do that. I mentally cursed myself, and felt a blush rise to my cheeks.

Steve's face just flushed, a blush covering his face. In all seriousness, he was attractive, a pretty smile, amazing hair, gorgeous eyes. And he seemed to have a lovely personality.

Yep. I was falling for Steve Harrington.

"Yeah right, Steve never gets any girls," Dustin joked, pulling me back to reality. I laughed lightly at his joke and noticed Steve snap back into his senses. "Oh shut up, shithead. I just haven't found the right one yet!" He protested.

I grinned. This was gonna be an interesting two weeks.

Sorry if this sucks, I'm tired and my brain doesn't function properly anymore :)

~ Natalie Soot

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