Soulmate AU alphabet

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a...ging stops at 18 until you find your soulmate so the two of you can grow old together.

b...ody art (doodles that a person draws on themselves appear on their soulmate's skin).

c...olors (aka the standard soulmate au where the world is black and white until you meet your soulmate and see colors).

d...amage done to a person also translates into their soulmate's body (cuts, bruises and all).

e...sp (soulmates can sense one another's presence and feel each other's exact emotions even when miles away).

f...irst words/thoughts your soulmate says/thinks when seeing you are written on your skin.

g...uardian (it is said that the person who saves you from a near-death experience is your soulmate—drowning, car crash, etc.)

h...eartbeats (the soulmates share the same heartbeat—when one feels panicked, shocked, etc, the other can feel it too).

i...dentifier (a word or symbol which is imputed to your soulmate is somewhere on your body).

j...uxtaposition (your soulmate is the exact opposite of you, yet you find yourselves complementing one another).

k...eys and locks are randomly dispersed to soulmates on chains when they are born. when in proximity, the lock and key will act as magnets and bring the two soulmates closer together until the key is placed in the lock and a gratifying click is heard, unlocking the chain.

l...ast words your soulmate says are written on your skin, so you do not know it is them until they are gone.

m...arks or stains of the color black are somewhere on your body (palm of your hand, knuckles, knee) until you and your soulmate finally make physical contact. once the mark is touched, it fades to be consistent with the person's skin color.

n...urse (the touch of a soulmate can heal you from affliction and vice versa).

o...pportune outfit (soulmates will eternally color coordinate, even if they have not met one another yet, and often times have similar patterns in their clothing).

p...assionflower (a type of flower soulmates have planted somewhere beneath their skin. Upon meeting their soulmate it will sprout through the skinand fully blossom as they reach the furthest point of their relationship. when a soulmate passes, the flower blooming from the other person does also).

q...uizzes revolving around one's personal aspects, skills and ambitions are given to every person once they turn 18, and the results read who your soulmate is based off of your collective answers.

r...ed string bonds two soulmates together for a lifetime and all come in varying lengths—imagine the trouble of only being able to walk certain distances or having to sleep on the edge of your bed.

s...ongbird (any songs a person sings will get stuck in their soulmate's head for the duration they decide to sing it).

t...imers are set on the wrist of every person once they are a certain age, slowly counting down until the day they meet their soulmate.

u...ndying (you and your soulmate must meet in order to end life—die—together. as long as you have not met them, you will continue aging yet remain immortal).

v...eiled (you and your soulmate must walk through life blind until running into one another by fate and finally gaining sight—those with no soulmate act as guides and help those in search of theirs).

w...riter's choice (author can pick any au from the list to write).

x...FREE SPACE, the person who sent the prompt has the choice to make up an au or choose one from the list!

y...ellow fellow (colors of your vision changes depending on your soulmates mood. yellow is optimistic, green is envious, blue is upset, etc. and natural colors become present once the soulmates meet).

z...zz (in which soulmates first meet each other and share memories in their dreams before meeting each other in person—sometimes difficult to accomplish as dreams are hard to remember).

To submit a request, tell me a letter from this list, a character, and how you want it to play out!

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