Forever In A Minute

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Okay, this is my first attempt at DC/Batman/Bruce Wayne ff and I'm not very hopeful lmao, if you see any mistakes please let me know!


Pairing: battinson!bruce wayne(The Batman 2022, Robert Pattinson) x gn!reader

Summary: The only time y/n gets with Bruce is to help him get ready before he leaves for the night.

Warnings: fluff omg, teasing and flirting, swearing(bc it's me), friends to lovers mentioned, but they are already dating, I don't think there are any spoilers other than battinson wears eyeliner under his mask????, also this isn't fully proofread💀, and probably ooc battinson, and I think that's all but lmk if I missed anything


"Y/N?" he calls quietly, seeing your sleeping body under a mountain of blankets

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"Y/N?" he calls quietly, seeing your sleeping body under a mountain of blankets.

"What? I'm awake, I promi-" you muttered, clearly only half-conscious.

Bruce rolled his eyes at you, "Y/N, I'm leaving in a few minutes. I need your help getting ready. Remember?"


"You're Batman?!" you had exclaimed, such shock evident in your tone that Bruce himself had gotten a little startled.

"I knew you would freak out. Damnit Alfred, why'd you get me to do this?" he mutters, looking everywhere but you.

"No! I, it's fine, I'm glad you told me," you smiled, pulling the man in for a hug.


You finally pulled yourself out from under the pile of blankets, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You hadn't meant to fall asleep, but you were so tired.

"Of course, I remember, c'mon," you responded, dragging Bruce into the bathroom. You remembered the first time he'd asked you to help him get ready before he left.


"You wouldn't mind would you?" He'd asked so sheepishly you wouldn't be surprised if he was being forced to talk to you about the issue at hand.

"I'd love to help you!" You had smiled, happily grabbing his hand in yours. Gracefully leading him to the bathroom and pulling out a makeup bag.


You had been so stupid then. The both of you. Neither of you aware of your glaringly obvious feelings toward each other.

But that had passed in time. I mean look at the two of you know. Dating. It felt weird to think about it, especially considering it had only been a few months.

"Are you just gonna stare at me or are you gonna help?" Bruce's words snapped you out of your thoughts and you smiled at him.

"Don't worry, Batman. I'm helping," you answered, pulling out the same makeup you'd used plenty of other times for this very occasion. "Close your eyes."

He did as told and shut his eyes, allowing you to spread the makeup across his eyelids. You paused, taking in the image of Bruce.

Gorgeous, and yet absolutely in need of rest. The poor guy looked like he didn't know what Sleep was anymore.

You let out a deep sigh, causing Bruce to open one of his eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly.

"You look so tired. I wish there were more Batmans....batmen. That way you could relax and I could spend more time with you," you responded.

Bruce felt a small smile grace his lips while he leaned in a pressed a smooch to the tip of your nose.

"As much as I wish we could spend more time together, you have a job, and I am trying to keep the people in this city, including and especially you, safe and out of harm's way."

"I know, I just wish it were easier on you," you replied, scrunching your nose. "I always miss you too much. That's why I spend this time with you."

"Is that also why you don't ever let me do this myself?" He pondered aloud, raising an eyebrow at you.

"Exactly," you answered. "Now close your eyes again, we can't have Batman running late, now can we?"

Bruce closed his eyes again and waited for you to finish. When the feeling of your gentle fingers rubbing against his eyes finally stopped he opened his eyes again.

"Okay, Batman, go show those criminals whose boss," you teased, pressing a small kiss to the man's cheek. Then his nose. Then his forehead. The corner of his lips.

Until you finally placed a small kiss against his lips. As only you would do. For forever.

And right now, forever had to be experienced in only the few minutes you had together before the vigilante slipped into the night.


Whatttt, why was that low-key kinda good thoughhhh🤭😮‍💨

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it. It's short, not even 1K words, but I'm running on very little sleep and I'm going swimming with family tmr, so I wanted to get this done :)

Anyways, love y'all! I have another Peter oneshot in the works, so keep a heads up for that <3

~ Nat

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