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Time trickled down the drain
And yet it lasts forever

We spend each day filling our lives
With knowledge, and fun, and regret

We wish we could just speed ahead
But we must cherish the time we have

Because without it, we'd be lost
In the vast world of space,
With no idea of the world

We love, we lose, and we live
But it's not always enough

If we lose our time, we are left with nothing
Just empty air, and no more time
To live our lives to meaning

And even though we all die someday
As of now we're living
And each hour that passes
Is time with those who care

We text, we call, we write, we talk
But we need to stop and listen
To the chirp of every bird
And the buzz of every bee

Take time to see the sun rise and set
And a rainbow of colors paint the sky

We need to pause and just enjoy the now
And worry about the future later

If we never live in the now
We are missing all that around us,
And therefore causing ourselves pain

We need education, we need emotions
We grasp to every straw
To piece together a world of our imagination

And as we design this intricate web of ideas
And details that create our world
We must take our time

Cherish those close to you
While they are still here love them
They might leave you someday
And you must keep their memories

Memories are an important thing
They build a person
They tear a person down

Memories are like choices
Some are good, some are bad
It always depends on the way you help yourself

Because as we design our webs
You sit at the center of mine
I give you my energy willingly
Because your give me love in return

We build around each other
And always keep each other in mind
So let us cherish this time we have
This time we spend together

This time we have where we cannot be apart
And no one can pull us away from each other
We belong together as two pieces do

Some love is always the same
Happy endings
Some love changes like every season
And ends just as it started

But as long as this candle of love burns on
You are mine
I am yours
We love each other
And that is enough

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