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Graphic made by me(I'm honestly like kinda in love with myself rn, like I'm so proud)


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ means a time skip

Pairing: tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader

Summary: In his world, Peter lost you, when he gets pulled through the multiverse, however, he finds you again, maybe this time, he can save you.


Also, this text and dialogue won't be 100% accurate for convenience for me and, because I don't have the patience to go back and fix it according to the transcript.

"Ned, do that again." You prompted, motioning to his hands.

Ned nodded. "I just wish we could see him" he declared, causing a small circle to appear before him, closing quickly after.

"I wish we could see Peter Parker."

The portal opened again, expanding larger than it had before. Through the portal, was an alleyway, a figure standing there.

"Is that him?" MJ asked, peering through the glowing gold gateway. "It has to be. Peter!" Ned started yelling.

The two called for him. A feeling bugged you, that didn't look like your Peter. As the mysterious person stepped through the portal, the feeling was clear.

That was not your Peter. He pulled off his mask quickly to reveal that he was in fact, someone completely different. Yet the feeling of familiarity hung in the air.

He looked older, brown hair messy because of the mask. Chocolate brown eyes filled with confusion.

The man looked around at the three of you. When his eyes stopped on you, a look of guilt and pain sparked in them momentarily, leaving his eyes almost immediately afterward.

"Y/N?" He spoke, his voice faltering, unsure.

"How do you know my name?" You asked warily. He cleared his throat. "I'm Peter. Peter Parker. I'm your best—there's a version of you back home." He clarified.

"You're Peter Parker?" MJ cut in. "That's not possible."

"I'm Spider-Man. In my world. But then yesterday, I was just here." He answered

MJ and Ned pulled away to have a conversation. You just glanced at Peter again. His eyes locked with yours. "So there's a version of me in your world?" You asked him.

"Y-yeah. But, we're not talking anymore." He answered.

You gave him a small sympathetic smile, trying to understand what he was feeling.

When MJ and Ned returned to the conversations MJ threw a piece of bread at Peter.

"What was that for?" He exclaimed. "To see if you have the tingle thing." She explained, grabbing another piece of bread.

"I have the tingle thing, just not for bread. Please don't throw that at me." He added, watching her raise her arm.

You had spaced out, trying to figure out why this man claiming to be a version of your best friend from another reality was here. How did he know you? When you were pulled back into reality, the man was stuck to the ceiling with one hand.

"This is plenty." He said. Giving MJ a pointed look.

"No, it's not. Crawl around." She shot back.

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