Part Twenty One.

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Six weeks had already passed since I found out who Jayce really was. I had left Kairi in New York with Dave while I came back to Los Angeles to tie up some loose ends and handle things back at the warehouse.

"Lauren Brewster." The nurse had called out to me from the waiting area. Grabbing my purse, I followed behind her to a standing scale. Standing on the cold scale, I allowed her to check my weight and record it on her paper.

Stepping back down, I slid back into my tennis shoes and followed behind the nurse yet again but this time to a examination room. Doing as I was told, the nurse exited the room and I began to strip out of my clothes down to my bare minimal while putting on a hospital gown.

Looking down at my phone I only had a few Instagram notifications and a few text messages from work. Jayce no longer contacted me as I changed my number and moved out. I was still very much hurt by the situation he had put me and Kairi in. I was also angry with Dave but he is my child's father after all.

I decided to stay in New York again until I figured out my next move, thank goodness Brianna allowed me and Kairi to stay with her until I found a place for the two of us.

"Mrs. Brewster good to see you again." My doctor knocked before coming in with a big smile on his face. Nodding my head and returning the smile he began to ask me the normal questions of a routine check up. "From my understanding, you also think you may be pregnant? Am I reading this right?" He asked putting on his glasses and reading down the clipboard.

"Umm yes, I took six pregnancy test and they all came back positive. But you know those things don't always give you an accurate reading." I nervously chuckled. "Well to be quite frank with you Mrs.
Brewster, six pregnancy test results that all came back positive might just mean you're pregnant dear." He assured me.

Immediately becoming overwhelmed with emotion, I knew that it was a great possibility that either Dave or Jayce could be the father. "So what we'll do is, do a regular urine test along with a blood test. Is that okay with you?" He asked. Nodding my head yes, he handed me a cup and a sterile towel to get a clean catch.

Going into the bathroom, I cleaned my area and twinkled into the clear cup that was given to me. Flushing the toilet and washing my hands thoroughly, I used a paper towel to place the cup into a compartment that was located in the bathroom wall.

Once I was finished I went back into the examination room and waited for my doctor to return. While I was doing so my phone began buzzing and I could see it was a FaceTime call from Dave.

"Sup mamas. You good? Why you in a hospital gown? What happened?" He asked sternly. "I'm okay, I'm just at the doctors for a routine check up. Where's my baby?" I asked. "Shit downstairs playing with the dog." He said twisting his hair around.

Dave was back at his own house and had thought it'll be a good idea to purchase a small puppy to keep Kairi company while I was away. Hearing a knock on the door I rushed Dave off of the phone and told him I'll call him back. "So good news....everything looks good and your healthy. Now as far as your pregnancy test we ran on you, those will take one to three days to come back. The number we have on file is ***-***-**** is that a good number?" He asked. Nodding my head yes, he told me I was good to go.

Once everything was all set and done, I got dressed again grabbed my car keys and purse before making my way out the door.

Once everything was all set and done, I got dressed again grabbed my car keys and purse before making my way out the door

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