Part Twenty Seven.

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I opened my eyes slowly as I was met with the bright white fluorescent lights that occupied my hospital room. Sitting up slowly I looked down at the white thick cast that covered my right leg, moving it slightly over to regain comfort. "Ouch." I mumbled feeling the immediate pain.

Being interrupted by a sudden knock, I looked up and noticed my nurse standing there with her clipboard coming into do her post surgical vitals.

"Hi Mrs. Brewster. How ya feeling?" She asked while placing a blood pressure cuff on my arm. Nurse Roxanne was an older black woman with long jet black hair that hung down the middle of her back. She was also half Cherokee, which I learned from the conversation we had recently. "I'm feeling ok. Just tired from all those darn drugs they gave me." I replied.

Nurse Roxanne gave me some sense of normality since I was in the hospital alone with no one to talk to. She worked twelve hour shifts and checked in on me every two hours or so. "When will I be discharge?" I asked. "Well given you just had surgery, probably within the next couple of days or so. But you're going to need help." Nurse Roxanne said taking off the blood pressure cuff.

"Lauren!" Brianna and Jeremy yelled storming into my room. "Ho-how did you guys know I was here?" I looked confused. "Well I got their numbers out of your emergency contact information and thought you could use the company." My nurse smiled before exiting the room.

Too be quite honest, I really didn't want the company. I needed time alone to think about what I wanted to do and plan out my next move. "How are you feeling sweetie?" Jeremy asked taking a seat in the chair next to my bed. "Hungry." I mumbled. "I haven't ate in like a day because I couldn't eat before surgery." I huffed.

"Well good thing I have the DoorDash app on my phone." Jeremy said taking mine and Brianna's order for chick-fil-a.

The room was filled with silence as I didn't really have much to say or really felt like talking for that matter. I was happy that nurse Roxanne did such a sweet thing for me but then again I appreciated being alone at the moment.

Three days of complete boredom had went by as today I was finally being released back into the real world. For me unfortunately I had no other choice but to allow Dave to pick me up and help me discharge. Brianna and Jeremy both had to work during the morning.

"Looks like your ride is here and girl he is cute." Nurse Roxanne gushed. "Girl that's Dave the one I was telling you about, ugh." I huffed. Nurse Roxanne smile quickly turned into a frown as Dave approached the room with a wheelchair and paperwork. I was utterly disgusted with the view of his ugly bitch ass face.

Yes he was a good looking man but his personality made my stomach do backflips. "Listen, I don't normally give patients my personal number but I'd make an exception for you. If you need anything; and I mean anything don't hesitate to call me. You and Kairi are welcomed over to nurse to Roxanne house at anytime baby." She gave me her number and then hugged me.

Over the past week I felt like I had a mother in Roxanne because she reminded me so much of my biological mother in so many ways. She was blunt yet careful with her words and she didn't care about other people's opinion. "Thank you." I mumbled sadly. 

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