Part Twenty Four.

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"Coming!" I called out hearing loud pounding on the front door.

As I got closer I noticed a woman who was fair skinned, curvy figured and had long jet black hair hanging down the middle of her back.

"Who are you?" She asked rudely as I opened the door. "Um I'm assuming you're looking for Dave?" I ignored her question.

"Dave!" I called out but got no answer. "Dave someone's here for you!" I called out again.

Dave rushed down the stairs rambling through his pockets as if he were searching for something. "Carmen what the fuck?!" He smiled. "I been calling you, c'mere I missed you." She said giving Dave a hug.

Obviously none of my business, I walked away to the kitchen to prepare myself a small breakfast. Overhearing bits and pieces of their conversation this Carmen character was soon on her way out. "My bad about that." Dave came into the kitchen. "None of my business." I said continuing to chop of fresh fruits and vegetables for my morning smoothie.

"You good?" He asked. "Why wouldn't I be good?" I continued chopping. "You just seem annoyed." He frowned. "No Dave I'm not annoyed.. I don't care about your girlfriend drama if that's your concern." I went back to what I was doing.

"I left you for three years so I'm pretty sure you have a closet full of tramps." I added. "See that's where you are wrong, I actually met a dope ass chick. Fell for her and shit but I couldn't bring myself to love her the way I loved you. I couldn't be the man for her that I was or wanted to be for you. And don't make assumptions about me because you'll end of making yourself look like a complete ass.." Dave walked off and then exited the house.

Not knowing what I said wrong I just continued on with my day and decided to go pick up Kairi a day early since Dave and I aren't spending time today I guess. "Mommy!" She squealed seeing me walk through the front door. "Hey cupcake." I hugged her tightly.

I never been away from Kairi this long and I surely missed her, she was a good kid sometimes you barely knew she was there because she was always quiet playing with her toys. "What happened to a couple days? I enjoy having my little grand baby around, I mean we are trynna make up for lost time." Janice mentioned.

She was absolutely right and it was very selfish of me not to look at things that way. "You ain't been back around that long look and you already knocked up." Janice chuckled. "I already know...Them Brewster men are hard to stay away from." Janice said just as Dave's father marched down the stairs.

Janice and I both snickered as he approached the kitchen. "What y'all two fools cackling about?" He asked with a toothpick in his mouth.

"Nothing I was just telling her how the Brewster men are hard to stay away from and you just so happen to waltz yo happy tail down the stairs just as I said that." Janice explained. "I hope you not running off, I'm about to put some slabs of ribs on the grill." Dave's father informed me.

"Well I'm definitely not leaving now." I said making myself comfortable. "Baby come help me make these sides." Janice instructed me.

Putting on an apron and washing my hands, me picking up Kairi turned into a little get together as few of Dave's aunts, uncles and cousins stopped by. Everyone brought various, drinks, sides and desserts to the mini cookout. We danced, laughed and jammed to some old school music.

Just as I was doing the Cupid shuffle with a few of Dave's family members, he walked outside with the same woman from earlier. With my smile immediately being erased from my face, I decided to brush it off and continue to have fun.

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