Part Twenty Two.

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"C'mon cupcake, grab your little purse

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"C'mon cupcake, grab your little purse. We have to get going before daddy gets upset at us for being late." I said grabbing Kairi.

Tonight was a big night for Dave, he just recently signed to a new record label and he was throwing a party for his close friends and family to come and celebrate. Exiting the brown brick apartment complex, Kairi and I were met downstairs by Dave's chauffeur and security. I guess being the wife of a rapper had its pros and cons.

Getting Kairi settled in to her seatbelt, we were soon off and heading to Dave's party. The ride was quiet most of the way with occasional horn honking and street noises throughout New York. Pulling up to a modern looking venue, the driving was guided to the backside of the building. Coming to a complete stop the driver and security got out and ushered Kairi and to Dave.

"Hey my babies!" Janice called out to Kairi and I giving us hugs and kisses. "Hey ma." I replied.

The party was already packed as I looked around and saw a few familiar faces. "Hey sis!" Nasir came over half drunk slurring his speech. "Hey." I smiled returning the side hug he gave me.

Nasir was a legend around New York, he was one of the biggest rappers outside of Biggie

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Nasir was a legend around New York, he was one of the biggest rappers outside of Biggie. Nasir was the one who discovered Dave and vouched for him, which was a big deal.

"Umm maybe I should've stayed home, this is definitely not a party suitable for children". I mentioned to Janice. Shaking her head in agreement she too was having a good time and having herself a cocktail.

"Sup mamas." Dave came over to us. I could tell he was high and had been smoking. "I didn't know it was going to be a bunch of alcoholics here, I would've stayed home!" I shouted over the music.

"It's a kids section over here, c'mon I'll show y'all." Dave said picking Kairi up. He escorted us to a section strictly for children, there was a ball pit, numerous toys, face painting, a cotton candy machine and more.

Kairi eyes grew big as she noticed all the fun things that she can do. "C'mon lemme holla at you outside." Dave instructed me. Following him back out to the party, the crowd had been growing even more as I noticed people still coming through the door as we were leaving out.

Stepping out into the cold New York weather, the ground was wet from this mornings rain fall. "Sup my man's." Dave said dapping up a guy passing by to enter the party. "Come over here I don't want people listening and shit." He said pulling me to the side of the building.

"Look imma keep shit a hundred witchu and imma say this. I want you and Kairi to come stay at the crib, it's more than enough house for us not to cross paths. You wanna divorce? Cool I know a good ass lawyer. If that's not what you want that's cool too but imma need you to keep it real with me and lemme know what's up. I been lost without you for far too long and now that I have you back I'm still lost. I need answers Lo, and if this isn't what you want I get it. I just have to be a man and accept it. But if it is what you want confess that to me please so I can love you properly." Dave expressed.

"I don't want a divorce Dave but things aren't going to change over night besides I literally just ended things with Jayce." I replied. "I understand ma." He said caressing my face. "I want to do things right, I don't want to bring a second child into a toxic environment." I reassured him. "And that won't happy baby, I promise. Just let me show you better than I can tell you." He added.

Wrapping up our conversation, we went back into the party to join the rest of the crowd. I was somewhat annoyed that I couldn't drink and turn up how I wanted to.

"Ahhh!" I screamed running over to Jeremy and Brianna as they entered the door. "Bitch you tricked me! Acting like you had to work." I playfully pushed Brianna.

"Bitch where the bar?" Jeremy asked hugging me. Pointing to where the bar is the two of them went to grab drinks while I went to check on Kairi in the play area. As I got over there she was eating a slice of pizza along with a few other children that were there.

"Great minds think alike." Dave said from behind. "Had to come check on my baby." He said taking a sip of Hennessy. "Please don't drink too much, I know this is your night but I don't want you to over—." He cut me off.

"Relax mom. I know my limit." He smiled walking away.

Smiling and shaking my head I know he wasn't going to listen to me and I was going to probably end up baby sitting his grown ass. "Bitch I brought you martini." Jeremy said handing me a glass.

Politely declining, I lied and said I was staying sober to watch after Kairi and Dave's soon to be drunk ass. Good thing they ate up that story and didn't question me about it. "So what's going on with you two?" Jeremy asked finishing his drink and then starting on mines.

"I mean we're taking things slow, you know how men are they'll be good for a little bit and then they're back to they old ways. So I have to watch him and see how he move." I replied.

"Speaking of.....Bitch the tea on Jayce was piping hot. Have y'all spoke?" Brianna asked. "Nope, I moved all of my shit out his house and changed my number on that ass. But I did run into him while I was back in Cali on business.... That shit was foul Bri, I put on this happy face and smile for the sake of Kairi. Deep down inside I still feel like shit." I said holding back tears.

"Hey bitch no tears." Jeremy said pointing at me. "You a cry baby bitch for no good reason and it needs to stop. I'm sorry girl I'm not gone kiss no ass imma just tell you how it is because I love ya. You are absolutely gorgeous, you built an entire empire your damn self and nobody can take that away from you. You have a beautiful daughter and a fine ass husband, now the past is the past. If he show you that he still that same man then you pack your shit and walk away. You hear me?" Jeremy nagged.

Nodding my head yes we hugged and went back to enjoying the party. Jeremy was right, the past was the past but how do you forget someone hurting you as bad as Dave did?

The night was coming to an end and the party began to clear out. Gathering all of our things, we exited through the back and made our way to the parked black Escalade truck. Dave dapped up a few of his friends and supporters and finally made his way over to join us in the truck.

Kairi was sound asleep in the backseat, once Dave got settled in I leaned over onto his shoulder and was soon off to sleep myself.

What a night.


Do you guys think Dave and Lauren's relationship will ever get back to where is was before all the toxicity? 😬

What if the baby turns on the be Jayce's and not Dave's? Think they'll stay together? 👀

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