Chapter 21- Hurry

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"Grandma!" I yelled.

Grandma was laying on the bathroom floor. She must have slipped and fallen. I ran up to her. I was mostly worried about her breaking anything.

I bent down to see if she was alright. She looked peaceful. At the moment she is unconscious. I don't know if that was good or bad. She seemed to be breathing so that's good.

I watched for a while, unsure of what to do. Her eyes under her eyelids seemed to flutter. After a moment her eyes opened.

"Grandma?" I asked.

"Hmm," she replied, groggily.

"What happened, and how many fingers am I holding up?" I asked her, holding up three fingers.

"Two, the third is your thumb, it's not considered a finger," Grandma replied.

Well she passed the test. She still didn't answer the first question.

"What happened?" I asked her again.

She didn't answer for a minute. After a long pause she answered me.

"I slipped, then it's foggy after that," she told me.

"Be more careful," I told her.

"Tsk, Tsk," she said, holding her index finger towards me. "Don't worry about me. I can handle myself,"

Talking about worrying, she must be worried sick about Lucy. She hasn't seen her in about a week. What should I say? I could say that she got a job and moved out, but that involves details. What if she asks what job Lucy works at? If she stops there I would be dead meat.

I could tell her that she wanted her personal space and moved out with Kellie, her other best friend. Grandma would want her number though.

No matter what way I look at this, there is no easy way out. I might as well stick with the last one.

"Look, Grandma, Lucy... Well you see she..." I said slowly.

"She's with her new boyfriend. He's taking care of her. I told her that she doesn't need a man to take care of her, but she refused to listen," Grandma said, shaking her head.

"Umm, yeah..." I said, not sure of what to think about the situation.

How did she know more about Lucy then I do? Who is her boyfriend? Why didn't I know?

There is only one answer to all of this. Lucy. She must have been here. What did she do? I know she loves her family, or what's left, but how far would she go to get revenge?

"Lucy was here?" I asked her.

"I think so? I remember talking to her. I must have fell when I left. Anyway, she took her stuff," Grandma told me.

Ah Shiz.

Two can play this game, sis, said an evil voice (Lucy) that was in my head.

What did you do to her? I demanded.

Oh, you don't want to know, she said darkly.

Why? I asked her.

You mess with my friends, I mess with you, she told me

You're also messing with your loved ones, I told her.

She scoffed and left.

"Lucy was here, wasn't she?" I asked.

"She was. She told me to tell you not to worry, she can take care of herself," Grandma told me.

Oh, that's for sure.  I have a feeling she isn't just moving in with anyone, she might be moving. She probably doesn't want  to be anywhere near me. I have to find out where she is, and I know just how to do that.

"I have to go Grandma, but stay away from Lucy. I can't tell you why, just trust me okay?" I said as I ran out the door and headed towards the car.

I know she wouldn't like that request, but there was nothing else that I could do. Telling her to avoid her one Grandchild is like telling someone to forget that a person exists, they just can' do it no matter how much they try. I just hope that she doesn't try to search for her. That would be bad.

I got in the car and started driving as fast as I could. I swerved past any cars that were in my way. I merely escaped from colliding with one car, and nicked a second one. The driver wasn't very happy, but I don't care. I am in a hurry and he is in my way.

I am going to James' house. Those two seem to know each other. I am going to ask him if he knows anything about what's going on. I don't think he will tell me much, after what I had said to him. He didn't deserve it. He is probably going to turn me away, and I probably deserve that though.

Ten minutes later~

I parked in front of his house. I ran up to his door and knocked. After a minute later a lady answered the door.

"Uh, hi. Is James there?" I asked the lady.

"Uh yeah he is sweety," She answered.

"Can I see him?" I asked.

"Sure," she said.

"James, your lady friend is here!" she yelled, as she gestured me to come in.

I heard foot steps upstairs, but not coming down yet. I ran up the stairs, and almost bumped into him. He was in front of his bedroom door. I ran up the stairs so he couldn't kick me out easily.

He took one look at me and went back into his room, shutting the door behind him.

"How rude!" I exclaimed.

I heard harsh laughter coming from the other side of the door.

I banged on the door. The door didn't budge, so I knocked harder. When my fists got sore I decided to try another tactic- turn the door knob.

I tried the door knob and it wasn't locked so I walked straight in. He spun around quickly and glared at me.

"Cool the fire. I need to ask you some questions," I told him.

He still continued to give me the silent treatment. Two can play this game.

I went up to him and decided to torture him- tickle torture that is. I reached out and started to tickle his stomach. He couldn't hold it for long. After a minute of resisting, he finally cracked a smile.

"What do you want?" He said smiling.

Now that's what I thought! I thought to myself.

"She moved out with her 'boyfriend'. I'm guessing it was that other guy. I know that you know him. I also know that she is probably planning to get out of this town too. Don't ask me how I know that, I just do. I know my sister that well. Now where is he taking her?" I asked.

"What? No hi, how are you?" He asked.

"No, where is she?" I asked him.

He thought for a minute.

"He is a lot older than me. There could be places that I don't even know about," he told me.

"Older than you!" I chocked out.

"Yeah," he said.

"There has got to be some place that he goes to. Does he have a hobby? Friends, or Family?" I asked him.

His eyes widened, and his mouth dropped.

"Close your mouth, you can catch flies," I told him nervously.

He snapped out of it, then looked at me. His features turned dead serious.

"This isn't a joke, Kylie. He went home, and she's the one," He told me.

"He better not be doing what I think he's doing!" I said, pissed off.

"No, he's going to where it all started. He's going to end every supernatural creature who isn't a Thormatomian. That includes witches!" He said, eyes wild.

"He's going to kill Lucy!?" I yelled.

"And enslave the human race," He said, whispering now.

"Let's go!" we both yelled at the same time.

I don't know what or where I'm going, but I have to save my sister.

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