Chapter 6- The Warning

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As I opened my eyes, I saw something blurry in a distance. Everything was dark. The blurry object was all the I could see. I started walking towards it. I couldn't get my legs to walk properly. I took one step, and my legs gave out. I was determined to get there. Something I knew I had to do. I got up with much difficulty. It was like gravity was turned on times ten. I finally got five steps towards the object. I could see what it was. It wasn't like anything I had ever seen before. It was large! It must have been ten feet tall. It looked like a big mountain lion.

It looked at me. It's eyes were twice the size of a humans. It's eyes were dark black. It reminded me of something evil. When I looked into it's eyes, it looked old. Like it lived more then a normal human years. It looked like it had lived half a century at least. The Mountain Lion smirked. It wasn't a nice smile either. It was kind of cocky. I was about to slap it when his head whipped around so that it was looking directly behind him. That's just not natural.

It turned around, momentarily forgetting about me. It went into a fighting stance. Ready to pounce at any second. Then it looked at me. I yelped, diving at the ground, thinking that it was giong to pounce on me.

As I slowly looked up, I saw a humorous smile on it's face. Knowing that it wasn't going to attack me, I got up. It slowly approached me, it's face looking innocent. I stayed where I was. I got to me and lowered it's head. I watched it with fascination. His head touched my stomach, and started to push me backward. What?

Then I saw it in a distance, it's white fangs gleaming. I finally realized what it was trying to do. It was trying to push me away from where the fight was suppose to be happening. I slowly backed up as the Mountain Lion got to where he was before, and got into his fighting stance.

My eyes returned to the enemy. He had this big smirk on his face, showing off his fangs. He slowly made his way over to the Lion. The Lion growled fiercely. The vampire's hiss could make any grown man cry.

They looked at each other, waiting for one to make the move. They simontaniously started circling each other. There eyes locked. You could feel the tension in the air. The tension made goosebumps on my arm rise.

Finally, the one with the fangs got impatient and leaped at the Lion. The Lionlowered his body closerto the ground, in a pounce position. Fang boy jumped right over the lion. Fang landed right behind the Lion. I tried to yell watch out but no matter how hard I tried, I could not make any words escape my lips.

Fang jumped on the mountain Lion's back. Fang found Mountain Lion's throat. "Oh!" I gasped. They both turned their heads toward me. The Lion looking nervous, Fangs had a victorous smile on his face.

I knew I had to do something, so I ran as fast as these wobbly legs could take me. I was too late. Fangs had taken a bite out of the Mountain. The mountain lion disappeared. Vanishing in thin air.

As I was running, I jumped up into the air. As I got closer to him, I put my foot out into the air. My foot connected with his jaw.

"Naughty, Naughty. Didn't anyone ever tell you not to mess with vampires?" He scolded.

"Vampires," I choked.

"Don't worry, I won't harm you," He chided.

He came closer to me. I was only a couple of inches away. As I looked into his gorgous eyes, a ray of sun came out of no where and shined directly on his head.

That's when I noticed him for the first time. His hair short, and brown. The way the light shined on his hair made him looklike an angel. A deadly angel at that.His eyes were brown. He was wearing a shirt that showed off his defined muscles.

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