chapter 19- Gone

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James/Jerk's POV

I woke up, not sure what to think. I told Lucy that I loved her for the first time and she stomped on my heart. I loved them both, but Lucy more. Where is she? I looked around and realized there was a large rock on me. It would normally crush any humans legs, but not mine.

I pulled it off me and realized it was part of a brick wall. I looked at it surprised. There is only one place this could have came from. I looked up and saw a big hole in the wall where the brick should be. I can see that everyone is frantic. They have no idea about what just happened.

What just happened was just a storm compared to the hurricane that could have happened. She could have set the whole school on fire. If she wanted to, she could have set the whole town on fire. I would imagine that once she gets she gets stronger she will be able to do whatever she wants. She can even set a person's insides on fire. Not a burning sensation, actual fire. Without the right guidance, she can be a massive weapon. Which is why I have to find her.

I walked to the school, not knowing what to expect. When I walked in, it was like the twin towers all over again. People were crying. People were angry. Some people seemed delusional. I walked by them.

As I walked by them, almost everyone was staring and pointing at me. Whispering stuff like the freak almost killed him. Some people accusing me of being suicidal. I shook my head in disbelief. What people put into other people's heads these days are insane.

I walked to the stairs. I walked up to the second floor. I went to walk up the stairs to the third floor but was caught off guard. A large chunk of the stairs wasn't there. I looked around quickly to see if anyone was watching me.

When I was sure no one was watching me, I jumped up to the third floor. I looked around to see chaos. Two classroom walls were blown out. People were on the floor injured. Some people standing in shock.

In the middle of it all was dear Kylie. She was one of the ones standing there in shock. Kylie is five foot five. She has light brown hair. Her eyes are brown.

I went up to her. She didn't seem to know that I was there. I shook her. Her head turned in my direction.

She seemed to snap out of it. When she snapped out of it I was sure that she was mad at me.

"GO AWAY! You caused this, you know," she accused me.

"I know, but listen. I have something important to tell you," I said.

"No, I said to go away," she told me firmly.

"Your sister might be in trouble," I told her quickly. I was hoping that it would get her attention better.

"What?" She asked me. I know I have her full attention now.

"Split up. I will check by area of town and you check yours. Check anywhere where she would go. I can't explain, just do it!" I told her.

I was expecting an argument. I was expecting her telling me where to go. I guess that her sister is more important than any arguments right now.

She stormed away. I reached into my pocket to turn my cell phone on. No one was really paying attention so I jumped out of the building. This missing wall really could be convenient.

Too bad that I can't come back. I was starting to like this school. The people seemed interesting. Not at all like my old school. Of course, there wasn't witches at my old school. Oh well, no point on dwelling on the past.

I started walking towards my car. I found my car and got into it. I didn't know where to start so I decided with my house. I highly doubt that she will be any where near my house, but it's a start.

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